Advocating for Psych

I want to advocate for AP Psych at my high school. I think it’s important that everyone, regardless of their majors, should consider taking AP Psych so that they can get at least get an idea of whether they would be interested in the major and so that they can better help themselves. Since mental health is such a huge issue in today’s society and especially on college campuses, I think it’s important that people are at least somewhat aware of what mental disorders entail and how they are manifested and ultimately treated before they go to school.

Audience: Students at high school back home

Medium and Outreach: Flyers, texts, and possibly a video of why taking psych in high school is beneficial.

4/6: Reach out to AP Psych teacher (email him and ask if I would be able to come in or send a video and talk to his junior history students about considering taking AP Psych next year before they apply to colleges)

4/9: Create a speech about the uses of psychology how AP Psych has helped me

4/11 and 4/13: Continuing rehearsing what I will be saying

4/16, 4/18, 4/20: Create a flyer and put it on bulletin boards around school to inform students about AP Psych

4/21: I will have to send in a video instead since I can’t miss class to go back home (or Skype)



1.) The problem I am addressing is the idea of mental illness and gun control.

2.) The key causes of this issue is that people who are mentally ill are not being diagnosed and so they are able to purchase guns and commit mass shootings.

3.) I am recommending that those who want to purchase guns should have to go through extensive mental illness checks as they go through background checks.

4.) This could severely decrease the amount of mass shootings that take place in the U.S.

5.) Someone could oppose this policy and say that it’s unfair that anybody that has gone to a psychologist/psychiatrist for a mental illness shouldn’t be allowed to purchase a gun…this could backfire because we want people to get help and have freedom at the same time, but this could be dangerous.