Fall Decorations

Hello everyone! This week I’m feeling fall. The other day, my RA had a floor activity where we could all go to the supplemental room on our floor and make fall door decorations to replace the name tags we’ve had on our door since move-in day. Me being someone who adores crafts, I  was very much looking forward to this activity, but because I wasn’t feeling too well, I decided it would probably be best for me if I stayed in my room. So I texted my RA and asked if she could bring over some supplies if there were any left over from the event. She did not disappoint!

A little after the decorations get together was over, I got a knock on my door and my RA brought me construction paper, scissors, stencils, markers, and crayons. So I went to work. I decided that I was going to cut out some pumpkins and leaves and color the leaves and write little fall sayings on the pumpkins. I currently do not have a roommate because she stayed home this semester due to Covid, which means that I have complete creative control when it comes to the door decorations 🙂

After I cut out all of my pumpkins and leaves, I went to Pinterest and looked up “fall sayings” because I am unoriginal and couldn’t think of any cute phrases by myself. I came up with a list of sayings and then tried to figure out fonts, the thickness of letters, whether it was going to be bouncy or not, whether or not I wanted there to be flourishes, the sizing, and the spacing. I knew that I didn’t want it to be all the same because I think variation was more fun in this case.


With that being said, I do think that there need to be some elements tying the piece together for it to seem cohesive. Keeping that in mind, I decided to make all of the lettering black and keep the backgrounds plain. I thought this would help the lettering stand out as well as separate the phrases from my name tag.


Once I had all the pieces complete, I had to figure out where to place them all on my door which was honestly the hardest part for me. I wanted to make sure that not too many of the same colors were next to each other, and that they were evenly spaced on the door. After a total of about 4 hours, my door was complete. I would like you all to know that I definitely did all of this knowing that no one was actually going to pay attention to the decorations on my door, but it did make being sick a little more entertaining 🙂

4 thoughts on “Fall Decorations

  1. This is really cute! It’s cool how your talent is a relief to you rather than something you feel obligated to do.

  2. These look awesome! You should just crank a bunch of those out and sell them, they look better than most of the fall decorations I see in people’s windows. And it’s great that art can help you through a tough time, I definitely relate to that with music.

  3. Wow! Your door looks so cute! I wish that I lived across from your dorm. I know that Craft Services on Friday’s hands out craft kits on the HUB Ground Floor. Tomorrow night they are handing out pumpkins and pumpkin carving kits from 4-6PM. Last week was colorable stuffed animals, and next week is paper lanterns. You should definitely check them out!