Hidden Treasures

It was a dream, and something I’d never imagined I’d ever be able to see in my life. The entire island smelled of freshly fixed lemons. Over the horizon, the faint outline of the rock formations from the famous Dolce Gabanna commercial could be seen in the distance. Convertible taxis cruised around the tiny windy […]

The Eternal City

It is the city of love, culture, history, revolution, and beauty. Not a single student in the world hasn’t heard of its monuments and history. No artist hasn’t heard of its masterpieces. No lover hasn’t heard of its magical ability to make you fall in love. Rome has been written about countless times, and you […]

What Unites Us?

It’s sometimes scary to think about how we know nothing of the completely different lives people live across the globe. There are so many unique countries, cultures, and customs out there.  How can we unite ourselves with the world? The answer is, to expose yourself to it, and travel.  But what if we can’t? What […]

Walking Alone

It is only until you have the courage to sit at a cafe by yourself that you begin to understand the complexities of a place. In order to start seeing things, you have to walk alone.  I’ve visited Vilnius, Lithuania every summer ever since I was four months old. I know exactly where every alleyway […]