“Kur giria zaliuoja, ten mano namai. Kur Nemuns banguoja, tevynes krastai.”
Translation: Where the forest is becoming green, my home is there. Where the river Nemunas waves, there are the shores of my homeland.”
These are the beautiful words that are sung by every Lithuanian everywhere. We all know this song by heart, and no matter how many times we’ve listened, sang, or read these words, we can’t help but cry. This song is sung every year at the annual song festival held in Vilnius, where thousands of Lithuanians from all over the world gather in a field and sing our country’s most treasured hymns. My mother, my aunt, cousins, and many other relatives have gotten to sing in it. I never have, but hopefully I’ll be able to one day. When it is time to hear this song, the crowd goes silent and everybody in the field stands up. The director silences the choir of thousands and throws his hands up for them to begin. Lithuanians don’t need microphones, because our voices are always loud and heard. Beautiful harmonies and words are project from the arena. The soft delicate voices of the women combined with the billowing and strong voices of the men are enough to make anybody tear up . The women are dressed in traditional Lithuanian, with their hair in braids and flower headpieces. The men put their arms around each others shoulders in solidarity and belt those beloved words. It is a moment of complete unity. I will never get to know all the people in the field or the ones singing for us, but I will always feel as if they are family. No matter if you are a Lithuanian in Argentina, China, or Kenya, you are part of the family.
This song is about coming back to your country because it is the most beautiful place in the world. The place you or your family have grown up in will always remain there, no matter how far away you live from it. The Lithuanian earth and waters are loyal to you always, and will be waiting for your return. Nothing else in the world is quite like the place you come from.
Here’s a video at one of these song festivals where “Kur Giria Zaliuoja” Is being performed. Please take a look at it. Y’all won’t understand the words but it sounds very pretty, and you’ll get to see how seriously Lithuanians care about their country lol.