TED Talk. Talking about my TED Talk.

That thumbnail is 10/10 wow. And before I talk about it once again I’m gonna thank everyone who was in the audience and participated in my exercise at the start. : )


Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with what I accomplished with the talk. I wanted to look at those two specific cases and see what kind of answers I could come up with. I definitely think I took the idea in a cool direction and said all I wanted to say about it. The one thing that I would change after doing this is 100% clean up my ending a bit more. About 25% of it was me feeling rushed, but the other parts was mostly just nerves and trying to figure out the best way to end the talk on. Also just from looking at the thumbnail I can see some mannerisms I did that hopefully made the talk more interesting. (I’d watch over and see but I really don’t like watching myself over LOL).

Anyway, I’m proud of what I did and hope that it was enjoyable for everyone who was in the audience.

More Stuff About Blogs


So video games are cool to talk about, well at least for me. And there’s a 99% chance that’s going to be the main topic of my passion blog, so I figured to look for a main thing involving reviews.

For one, they (attempt) to cover a wide variety of games and each review has a little personal touch to it. And obviously I’m mainly only going to be focusing on games that I enjoy and all, but I really wanna go a bit deeper than a review would normally go.

One of the major things I see about review sites is that they mostly serve to tell you whether or not you should get the game. I think that it’s fine for the purpose, but I want my blog to be something with a bit more substance. Sorta like going in and talking about games I like and explaining things about them more in depth. But I think reviews are a good way to start and think about how to set things up.

A Few Ideas about Blogs


So, I like video games. That much is not a secret, so I had to go looking for a blog/website involving these that I find interesting. Luckily, it just so happens that one of my favorite games, League of Legends, has one of these for me to take a look at.

For starters, obviously the main issue with picking this to look at is that my blog is in no way going to be like this, aside from maybe the fact that mine is 99% sure to be about video games. But the format of this interesting to think and look at, and I really enjoy reading it at every chance. The way it works is that there’s a separate website for anyone to ask the developers of the game any question they want. They handpick a few, send them to the appropriate department and they answer them in a release like this. I think the general idea behind taking questions from fans like this and having transparency is a really innovative way to get involved.

So naturally my passion blog won’t be solely about League, it’ll mostly be about video games I enjoy and feel like talking about. But I can definitely see an idea with making something similar to this with audience feedback/questions for it. But as of now I have plenty of ideas to start my passion blog already.