I just ‘Bought’ a Free to Play Game

After looking for 10 minutes for a good meme header for this post I finally found one and am ready to start!


So if any of you readers today read my last week one, you recall me complaining about Fire Emblem: HEROES, and how Axe using Azura wouldn’t show up for me and Ayra became a summonable unit forcing her into the hell of random chance. So in the time between that post and this, I have good news and bad news. The good news is..

Look at them they’re beautiful. So the good news is that I suffered enough the past month trying to get Azura and got her, and also got an Ayra in the process. Which is lovely and all. The bad news is that I spent $40 and then accidentally used a little extra on this game, which for all intents and purposes FREE TO PLAY. So as I was wondering what to make this blog on, I figured to discuss my current addiction as of late (and 99% what I’m doing on my phone before class starts), and figure out why someone would spend money on a game that you don’t have to.

But wait there’s more

So in order to understand the Fire Emblem: HEROES experience, I just have to talk mechanics really quick. Unless you reading this play the game as well in which case, uhhh cool. I guess. Anyway, your main way to get units is to summon them, from banners. Most banners have 3-4 *special* 5 star (highest rarity) units that are the focus, and most likely powercreep other units hahaaa. But aside from that, we have a wide variety of basic 5* units, along with 4* and 3* as well. So for a regular summon, you get 5 orbs, with the potential of 4 colors for each. You saw the Green and Red from my Azura and Ayra, and each respond to a certain weapon type. Red is Swords/Red Magic, Blue is Lances/Blue Magic, Green is Axes/(would you believe it) Green Magic, and Colorless is Staves/Bows/Daggers. Now, each banner starts with a 3% rate for both the 5* “Focus” units, and a 5* regular. So overall, you have a 6% chance to get a 5* from any orb of the 5. And after every 5 summons, the rate for a 5* goes up by .25%. So after a 5 orb summon, your 5* rate would go up to 3.25% each, for a total chance of 6.5%. Now, you can get lucky and get a ton of 5*, or you could be this Totally Not Me(tm) person and

So, if 5 orbs=.25% chance, I’ve summoned 30 orbs, and no 5* from that banner to show. So, you know the mechanics. But.. why spend money?

Reason 1:

Well I mean, the obvious reason is that you want to support the game in some way. This reason doesn’t really have a deep psychological meaning behind it, it’s real simple. You enjoy the game, and want to spend money and show your support. It’s not really that special, so it only gets this little section.

Reason 2:

Now, I would fall under this reason for my escapades to get Azura. You’d spend money on this game to get the characters you want. With (as of today), 15 mainline Fire Emblem games in, there are far too many characters to have them all in the game on release. So they periodically release new characters from each game, as is the case with Ayra. Or they release special versions of fan-favorite characters already in, as with my Mysterious Azura. So now, for reference the banner where one could summon Azura was out since the start of October, and I was basically ONLY summoning from the Green orbs to get her. And I got a lot of units from it, but none were Azura. And with the banner running out soon and most likely not coming back for a VERY LONG TIME, I was getting impatient with it. So I fell victim and decided to spend money to get the character I really like. Now, I’m not really “mad” that I had to spend money to get her, just more annoyed. Especially considering (again at this point in the game) my actual favorite character from Fire Emblem is in the game,

and I was somehow lucky enough to get 2(!!!) of her, so I could merge. And that thankfully leads us toooo

Reason 3:

Now, looking at my Olwen, you can see the tiny little +1 next to her Level 40. Something cool with this game is that if you get repeats of a unit, (of the same rarity mind you, so a 5* + 4* won’t get you the +1), you can merge them and gain a little boost in stats. And you can go up to a maximum of +10. So that basically means you need to get 11 of the unit, and then merge them all. Now, unless you are like… the luckiest person in the entire planet, you are NOT GETTING 11 copies of a 5* (or even 4*) unit like… ever. So, if you spend… a ton of money on this game (commonly called “Whaling”), then yeah, you’ll eventually get multiple copies of the unit. Now, there’s no real actual Player against Player in this, so the real reason to do that is to make the difficult maps in the game easy, and be a complete ass when I’m trying to do my Arena run of the week and I get against a +10 Cecilia, Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, and Wings of Mercy Dancer.

Okay I got a bit carried away at the end there but if any one plays this game/will play it YOU WILL KNOW MY PAIN.

In Conclusion:

So, if I had to boil this down to anything, spending money on this game is mostly used for convenience. Did I “HAVE” to spend money on this game, well technically speaking no but dammit I wanted my amazing art and awesome weapon Azura. But real talk, it’s more out of making life in the game easier. Anyway, I was really hoping to find a good meme to end this blog, but I really couldn’t find the one I wanted. So you guys get this.

And just for reference this is the most broken unit in the game.

Thank you all for reading, and I hoped you enjoyed the blogs. Once they start up again, I’m going to be focusing on specific video games, and so I thought this would be a good transition from Abstract Concepts to Specific Games.

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