Top 24 Songs in Video Games: Fire Emblem and Pokemon

Wow, final passion post of the year, and it’s been quite a ride. I spent all these posts talking about great stuff, so I have no regrets. At this point, time to finish up what I started in the last post. As I said before, if you wanna listen just use some headphones and enjoy.

Franchise: Fire Emblem


Ah Fire Emblem 4. Only released in Japan, and your wonderful SNES soundtrack is full of great songs. This one is just so very calming, and very winter-holiday-esque, fitting for being the snow level in the game. There’s just something about nice and relaxed music that I can just have on in the background and just listen without having to care. That’s what this song feels like to me.


Let’s just get the double FE4 songs out of the way shall we? Again, the good old SNES soundtrack is lovely to hear, and this song while not being quite as calming as the previous, it’s still a nice track. And it does itself well to be repeated over and over, which is a nice thing considering player phases in FE4 take forever to get done, so it won’t get annoying at all.


Just can’t get enough from the FEs that never came out in America. This boss theme is just an intense one, and it certainly fits well. It’s high energy, and just all around a crazy track to listen to. Only problem is that the animations for boss fights normally don’t last long so you barely get to hear the whole song, but the beginning is more than enough to be a damn good song.


And now we’ve reached the point where I just gush over the final boss themes for the 3DS FE games. Because god damn are they amazing. This one just barely is below the other two, (mostly because I have to play Rev to hear it). But, as I said in the last blog, VOCALS are great. And Rena Strober is great. And the song is great. Everything about this is great, and it’s a wonderful final boss theme to go along with the game.


When I first got to the final map of this game, I sat there for a good while just listening to this song. It’s such a great and epic song to accompany the epic finale of Awakening. You can’t help but just feel energized whenever hearing it, and it just makes the culmination of the entire game worth it. Just being able to listen to this gradually getting more and more powerful is amazing. And it’s great work for the game as a whole.


While this song is amazing in many not-song ways (Like having a badass name (and being the first option in YouTube when typing “Twil”)), this song is just everything great about the previous song just amped up to 11. I could talk for ages on how Echoes was an amazing game, but this song just makes it all wrapped up in a nice and lovely package. It just amplifies the amazing feeling of the final chapter being, as the name says, the end of the gods. And if this doesn’t make you feel like a badass then I don’t know what will.

And anyway, since I didn’t leave a meme for last week’s post, have a Fire Emblem meme.

from left to right, Kana, Kana, Kana, Kana, Kana, Camilla, Leon

Say them really fast and hope you get it : )

Franchise: Pokemon


While not only being the first female Champion in Pokemon history, probably being one of the toughest up to her point (thanks Garchomp), Cynthia’s theme just reeks of power. It’s very high energy, and gets you all pumped up to take on her team of actually really scary Pokemon for the game. And you can’t help but feel a little scared that one wrong moves puts you back to the start of the Elite 4. Or just back to your save before the fight.


Aight I love the GameCube Pokemon games to death, and this song is just too.. eccentric to not include on this list. There’s just something about seeing constant Ludicolo dancing along to this song, you can’t help but smile at this entire thing. There’s just something about this that, I’m pretty sure you could just play this at a club or something and people would just go crazy. Probably cause people are drunk but it would be hilarious either way.


Pokemon spinoffs are great. Strategy RPG Pokemon spinoffs are great. SRPG Pokemon games with a badass soundtrack are even better. This song is probably one of the coolest interpretations for a ninja-based anything I’d say. It feels really upbeat and fast, yet also gets you into a sneaky mood. And whatever instrument they used for the strings sounds really funny and good so that makes this even better. Good on this game, now give me a sequel.


“But Justin this doesn’t come from the video games this is from the anime!!!!!” My list, my rules first off, and second off I can’t really talk about Pokemon without bringing up the animated show at all. Everyone, and I’m fairly certain I can say everyone knows the OG Pokemon theme song, and how it gets you all pumped up to be the very best (like no one ever was.) (It’s now probably in your head, you’re welcome). This song just makes me excited to go on another Pokemon adventure whenever I hear it. And that’s the real magic behind everything.


Ahhh Pokemon spinoffs. Especially Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2. Probably the one game I will proudly admit to crying during. This theme just exemplifies the word Desperation. We’re fighting to save the world from a dark and depressing future, but at this point, it’s just two stage 1 Pokemon against a Legendary Pokemon gone insane. There’s a reason this song is so popular, cause it’s just that damn good. And if you only had to listen to one song on this list, I’d argue this is the best representative.


I’m not about to leave off a Pokemon list without my favorite generation of all time. And if anyone has ever heard anything about Generation 3, it’s TRUMPETS. And that’s honestly what makes this gen so unique in terms of music. No one EVER expects trumpets to be used a ton in a soundtrack, and this song just makes you go, WOW I had no idea trumpets could be this cool. And I’m not gonna let the remakes for this song go to waste.

That bass drop right at the beginning is just one big “We ain’t in Hoenn anymore” (even though we technically are). Gen 3 is 100% my favorite, and I am 100% biased, but who cares.



So, I hope everyone enjoyed reading my dumb ramblings about video games. I might continue this work over next semester cause I have big plans for myself in terms of gaming, so if you’d like to keep this in the back of your head, like a song you just can always sing along to no matter how long it’s been since you last heard it.







2 thoughts on “Top 24 Songs in Video Games: Fire Emblem and Pokemon

  1. Many sites creates list of songs but this is really unusual. I loved listening most of these song. Thanks for compiling this list with videos.

  2. That bass drop right at the beginning is just one big “We ain’t in Hoenn anymore” (even though we technically are). Gen 3 is 100% my favorite, and I am 100% biased, but who cares.Visit songs!

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