My Portfolio


Hello! I'm Katie

Junior Marketing Management Major at Penn State Berks
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A Peek Into My Life…

My Experience

Campus Life Intern

Campus Life hosts a variety of events, such as the Arts and Lecture Series, and Paws for Success Series, but the main one is Homecoming! My job is to help out with marketing materials such as flyers, company-wide emails, setting up meeting times, and taking down meeting minutes.

Campus Activities Board

As President of CAB, I facilitate a variety of meetings such as the general board, executive board, one-on-ones with my advisor and board members, as well as leading our Marketing Subcommittee from 2020-21 and hosting a variety of events on campus.

Resident Assistant

I am in charge of a floor of 45 residents. To build community, I create monthly programs such as bingo, cup pong, paint night, and much more. Each of these events were marketed with flyers, social media posts, word of mouth, and emailing photos of the prizes.

I also put up monthly bulletin boards with a variety of themes such as diversity, alcohol awareness, mental health, roommate conflicts, goal setting, and more.

THON Outreach Captain

THON is an organization that raises money for children with pediatric cancer. As an Outreach Captain, I manage a team of about 15 people and help fundraise for the kids.

Lion Ambassador

I have strengthened my communication skills by building rapport with prospective students as I am giving them a tour of campus. 

RA Bulletin Boards

Check out my blog posts below:


Digital Detox Experience

In my Marketing and Digital Media class at Penn State Berks, we were assigned a digital detox assignment without our phones for several days, and it taught us a lot about how dependent society is on digital technology. As a society, everyone has become addicted to...

Lessons Learned

Learning Curves with Leading Meetings

My Learning Curve with Leading Meetings While at PSU Berks, I decided to get super involved in clubs and organizations. This gave me the platform to learn and develop a variety of skill sets such as: Communication Skills Conflict Mediation Public Speaking Running...

About Me

Introducing Me – Katie Anders

 Introducing Me Hello, my name is Katie Anders, and I am currently a junior Business Marketing Management major at Penn State Berks planning to graduate in the Spring of 2023. My hometown is Boyertown PA, go Bears! A fun fact about myself is that I have triplet...

About MeLessons Learned

My Berks Story – Katie Anders

My Berks Story Who am I? This is the question that Jean Valjean of Le Mis asks himself, and it is one that we all need to reflect on. Who am I? The answer to this question is in a constant state of change. Looking back to when I first arrived at Berks, I was super...

Lessons Learned

Three Essential Rules of Leadership

Three Essential Rules of Leadership Most people think of leaders as Presidents and millionaires such as Bill Gates. In reality, leaders are all around us. They are the ones who take initiative, ask bold questions, take responsibility, mentor others, and most of all...