The theme for this week is about the strength of a smile. Phyllis Diller, a stand up comedian once said, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”
This statement holds a lot of truth.
As presented from the 1982 classic American musical Annie, in her adorable voice she sang the lyrics “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”
A smile has many benefits that enhance the prosperity of life. Scientists have studied the effects of a smile and found that “smilers lived an average of 79.9 years.” Other health benefits is that it aids in the release of stress, minimizes pain, and reduces blood pressure.
Every morning, as you get ready to start your day, don’t forget to smile. That small gesture can shift the perception and outcome of your day. So why not start off on a positive note?
I hope you are smiling right now.
Of course there are going to be some hard or bad days; however, just remember to smile in the face of adversity. Never stop smiling!
A wise middle school teacher once told me to always have a positive mindset and those words have stuck with me ever since.
I always encourage those around me to have a positive mindset because that brings growth and excellence. Who wouldn’t smile at that?
As the atmosphere starts to change, leaves on trees turning beautiful colors and softly glide to the ground, we are transitioning into a time of giving.
Your gift of a smile can help shape the attitude of someone else. That small gesture has the ability to positively change someone’s course and start a chain reaction. Now, they too will have a positive attitude and share that smile with the next person.
All because you had a good attitude.
All because of your beautiful smile.
Paying it forward one smile at a time!
This chain reaction methodology also works with negative emotions, but I won’t linger on that. I want to keep that smile on your face.
Here is a clip from The Blind Side:
Michael was a homeless child that was left alone in what seemed to be a harsh world. He wanted people to see him for who he was and not just his appearance. He kept to himself because he didn’t believe that he could ever become something one day.
A special family with a big heart took Michael in with open arms and helped him achieve his goals.
He found passion and drive. More importantly he found a family and support from those around him.
Here we are not only focused on the actions they took, but how in various scenes they smiled. They saw potential in Michael and literally “turned his frown upside down.”
Each person’s attitude shaped their directions. They exhibited a positive mindset and positive outcomes occurred. So smile- it’s worth it.
The Blind Side is available to watch on Hulu. It’s a great illustration of what it means “to need a village to raise a family.” A family that smiles together thrives together.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day on purpose!!
You made me smile, and it felt good. Thank you!