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March, 2013

  1. WIP #6 Advocacy Website Critique

    March 28, 2013 by Taylor Kantner

    The website I came across is for an organization that collects donations to fund animal testing in labs and keep medical research going. Speaking of Research aims to “stand up for science” and get others on board to increase awareness and fund further animal testing. This organization is the sister organization of Pro-test, which was shut down, and was created by a college student at Oxford University who decided to speak out to everyone who became opposed to the idea of animal testing. the website has many different sections to read to get a better understanding of what animal research can contribute to and even has a whole page on what types of animal experiments were carried out that have advanced medical research. I do not support this cause because I don’t believe medical research should be tested on animals. There has to be other and better ways of demonstrating advances in medical research than on animals.  The website talks all about how the animals are nothing but protected from harm and only hire skilled workers to work with the animals, but in my opinion I think that these animals are being harmed just by the testing that’s being done on them. There is a section on the website that states their animal research beliefs, basically stating animals don’t have the right to vote or the right to an education like people do, so why would these rights apply to animals? I completely disagree with this logic. Animals are living things and should be able to fulfill the lives they were given just as we are. Maybe they don’t have the right to vote, but they should definitely be guaranteed the right to live.

  2. WIP #5 Persuasive Essay Topic

    March 19, 2013 by Taylor Kantner

    I have decided to focus on the topic of the death penalty for my persuasive essay. It will be a question of value as I will try to persuade the reader that the death penalty is wrong and should be abolished for a number of reasons. The first point I will use to support abolishing the death penalty are the expenses necessary to carry it out. Sentencing a person to death costs more than life imprisonment without parole by having to go through more trials with more jurors needed and other experts that need to be hired to make the decision of whether the defendant either lives or is sentenced to death. This money is just costing more for taxpayers. Another key point for the abolition of capital punishment is that it isn’t necessarily a deterrent of crime. There is no evidence showing that national crime rates have gone down significantly since the death penalty has been enacted. Wasn’t that a big part of the point in passing the penalty in the first place? If it’s not making a difference, then what’s the point in keeping it around. The last point I will be making towards the repealing of the death penalty is the risk of accusing and sentencing an innocent person to death. There are a number of reasons the conviction of a person can go wrong, such as eyewitness errors, false confessions, etc. Since the advent of DNA, there have been a number of people in prison exonerated after years spent in prison, while the whole time they were innocent and wrongly convicted of a crime. Many families of the victims of murder have stated that they are against capital punishment as well, and that taking another life doesn’t bring them closure. There are major problems with the death penalty and that is why it should be abolished.

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