Seattle, Washington

Seattle Travel Guide: Vacation + Trip Ideas | Travel + Leisure

As an avid Grey’s Anatomy fan there was no way I could leave Seattle off this list. Seattle, Washington is currently one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S with a population of a little over 4 million.

First, let’s talk about the weather. As you might know, Seattle has a reputation for being an everlasting city of precipitation. And while rain is quite frequent, it’s not actually as bad as you think. Rain is typically very light (locals actually pride themselves on never using an umbrella). Seattle sees about 92 days of precipitation a year, and while that might seem like a lot, cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago actually see more rain on average. Summers in Seattle though are absolutely beautiful, averaging around 75 degrees and little to no humidity! This makes Seattle the perfect place for outdoor summer activities such as biking, hiking, kayaking, and more.

For those of you who love the outdoors, don’t fret, Seattle has an abundance of green space. Kerry Park in particular offers stunning views of the Space Needle among its luscious greenery. With so many parks the city is great for pet owners and families!

Kerry Park | Seattle, USA Attractions - Lonely Planet

As college graduation is just a few years away, I know many of us are always looking for the next best opportunity. Seattle is one of the nation’s tech capitals, second only to San Fransico, providing a wide array of opportunities to aspiring individuals who are passionate about the technology world. Specifically, Seattle is home to the headquarters of Amazon. Not only does this mean more jobs, but it also means more innovation throughout the city. One example of this is Amazon Go, a chain of convenience stores that allow customers to purchase food and other necessities without having to wait in line or checkout.

What else is there to love about Seattle? The food! Downtown offers a vast variety of different culinary experiences. From Boba Tea to authentic street tacos, you just can’t go wrong. In fact, Seattle is actually known as the greatest coffee town in America. The very first Starbucks actually originated in Seattle and now authentic and unique coffee shops have completely taken over the city. Slate Coffee Roasters is a fan favorite for delicious Kenyan roasts that you have to try!

Seattle, Washington: An Insider's Guide to the City's Coffee Culture

Seattle is a beautiful city, but it isn’t exactly cheap. The average home for living in the city is $816,718 which is greatly higher than the national average but also significantly cheaper than places like New York City or Los Angeles. Additionally, the cost of living varies greatly depending on which neighborhood you chose to reside in; both significantly cheaper and more expensive options exist!

Give the Emerald City some thought, it truly is amazing 🙂

6 Responses

  1. Su says:

    I had no idea that the infamous rain in Seattle isn’t actually that bad and that other cities have more rain on average! It seems like a beautiful place to live and work with a really nice environment and opportunities.

  2. dzs6114 says:

    Hi Olivia. Although I have heard of Grey’s Anatomy, I have never actually watched it; however, I have been to Seattle, Washington a few times, and each time I love to look out the window of my airplane to see Mount Rainier! Anyways, oddly enough, although it is known for its rain, it never rained once during any of my trips there – ain’t that just crazy? The city was also hit by a massive heat wave last summer if I recall correctly. There are lots of cool things to do there; I should probably head out there again sometime because after all, my brother and his girlfriend live there close to the tech companies where they work (even though they work from home now thanks to the pandemic). Thanks for covering this city. Looking forward to the next post! Fun fact – the place where my brother lived when he was interning at Amazon HQ in Seattle, Washington was so close to the Space Needle that he could actually see it from outside of his window!

  3. jqm6457 says:

    I’ve never visited Washington state, but I’ve always thought that it’d be really cool to go to Seattle! I’d heard about the rain there; it’s really interesting to hear that it isn’t actually as much as other big cities. Personally, I really like rain (I can relate to the Seattle locals in that I rarely use an umbrella), so I doubt I’d mind the precipitation. Plus, the other weather that you mentioned sounds great, and the scenery looks beautiful. One of my major problems with cities is the lack of greenery, so I can really like that Seattle doesn’t have that issue. Also, as a very food-driven person, I can appreciate the variety of options that they have, and the coffee sound great. The cost of living is definitely intimidating (though the same could be said of any city). Still, it sounds like a great place to visit! Nice post!

  4. sab6923 says:

    I never really knew much about Seattle like how fast it’s growing in tech or anything else. That honestly sounds like a pretty good city to live in when you speak about its price relative to other big cities. I also love the idea of innovation being put in place throughout the city with things such as the Amazon Go stores. Sometimes I find it quite annoying how slow it takes to get the new, innovative ideas to the small towns such as the one I live in now. I’m definitely putting Seattle on my radar for the future!

  5. Jacqueline Kiszka says:

    I’ve never been to Seattle but it is definitely a place that I want to visit. The pictures that you included of it look gorgeous, and I’ve heard such great things about it. I like rain, so I don’t think that its rainy reputation would really phase me. It seems like a really great city that has so much to offer culturally. The cost of living is a little high, but it does seem like a great place to visit. This was a great review of it!

  6. Sydney Vachino says:

    I’ve never been to the West Coast and Seattle seems very VERY far away from State College. But that doesn’t mean I won’t visit! I have a few friends that are moving to Seattle after graduation this summer to pursue tech careers, vastly proving your point even more. I’ve never lived in the city, but I am going to have to for an internship, so reading your blog posts has made me see the positive parts about living in cities!

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