Rough/Working Draft of Advocacy Project Memo

Ocean Pollution and You The statistics are terrifying. As one person, seeing that the National Academy of Science believes that approximately 14 billion pounds of trash are dumped into the ocean’s every year is overwhelming. Not only overwhelming, but makes one feel helpless. Especially with the number of people on Earth and the role of […]

Advocacy Organization For my advocacy project on ocean pollution, a beneficial theoretical partnership would be with the Surfrider Foundation. The above campaign released by the Surfrider Foundation is based on the idea that what begins in the ocean will end on your plate. They utilize the idea of sushi, wrapped and filled with trash, to convey […]

Deliberation Nation – Attending Another Event

During the Deliberation Nation event series, I also attended “Old McDonald HAD a Farm, But Now There’s GMO’s: Genetic Engineering and Capitalism” in addition to my own deliberation event. I found this deliberation event incredibly interesting. I particularly enjoyed their approach with regards to how the patents and use of GMO’s by major corporations would […]

CAS 138T Ideas

The “This I Believe” podcast is a very interesting assignment. While I have not narrowed down what I will be discussing, I do have two ideas. The first centers around a mantra that I have tried to live by – “Don’t stop until you’re proud.” Growing up I always watched the rest of my immediate […]

Helsinki and the Reversal of the Red Scare

The Helsinki Conference was a major political move on the part of 45th president Donald Trump, as within a month and four days (June 12, 2018 and July 16, 2018), a U.S. president met with two of the most infamous leaders in the world. Both have been accused of human rights violations and countless conspiracies. […]

Six Minutes and Twenty Seconds

“Fight for your lives before it’s someone else’s job.” From Parkland on February 14, 2018, to the March for Our Lives, to the Road for Change. Emma Gonzalez has been calling “BS” on the lack of action against gun violence in America since her life and community was forever changed, and she continued to do […]