Beautiful Collapse

We all have low points.  Some memorable parts of our lives where it felt like everything was coming down around us and we could do nothing to stop it.  Some of us may even be in that phase right now.  I think we can all agree that these parts of our lives suck.  Emotionally destructive.  But for better or worse, these phases are our genesis.

Genesis is formation.  It is creation.  This may seem like a strange way to describe the time where our lives fall apart.  But as we fall apart, we also fall together.  Let me explain.

I like to think of my old selves like a dilapidated house.  When small but important things occur, it’s easy for me to renovate small portions of myself.  A furniture change here, a paint job there.  But then big changes occur, such as when I came up to college and experienced new friendships and a relationship.  Who I am alters so radically to survive my new world that the most reasonable option is to start anew.  The walls crumble, and I crumble with it.  It scares me even when I know that it will help in the end because no one likes seeing their world fall apart.  But as these pieces fall, they reform into something new.  Hopefully something better.  Foundations usually remain, but the house itself has been so altered that it looks and feels different.

My houses have changed so much throughout the years, and every time it feels like the house will not put itself back together this time.  Like it’s gone for good.  But every time it pulls through.  I pull through.

It may take longer for some people to feel like things are finally back in place.  Sometimes they are in place for a while and it takes us some time to realize it.  But in the end, we endure.

Change is terrifying.  And the biggest thing we fear a change in is within ourselves.  But change is okay, and it’s usually good.  I know that there is always a constant struggle about identity and staying true to ourselves.  Some people think changing who we are goes against our true selves.  I believe that we are without definition.  We are adaptable and capable of being anyone we want to be based on the situation.  It does not take away from who we are to become who we need to be.

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