Twilight: Where the Hell have you been Loca?


It’s finally fall everyone! You know what that means – time to talk about the best feel-good-fall movie to ever exist: Twilight! Now, if you’ve been living under a rock for the past 15 years, Twilight has become one of the most popular movie franchises. This five part saga was
inspired by the Twilight book series written by Stephanie Meyers. The story follows the life of high-schooler Bella Swan, who just moved to the sleepy and rainy town of Forks, Washington. Soon, she meets the mysteriously handsome Edward Cullen and sparks fly immediately. After more and more strange occurrences, Bella discovers that Edward is in fact a vampire (cue Bella’s Lullaby). Not only is Bella now dealing with her crush being immortal, she is also caught up in a love triangle between Edward and her old best friend Jacob. This 2008 released movie was exceptional when it came out and even to this day it is a defining feature of the 2000s.

Twilight Fashion

 Twilight, in all of it’s blue-tinted haze beauty, has some relatively great costume choices. These relatively great costume choices represent the fashion of the time and you can only look back on these outfits questionably, but also with slight admiration. The film is full of henley t-shirts and low rise jeans, along with some ambiguous layering. Nylon describes Twilight’s fashion, especially Bella’s fashion, representing “the atmospheric dreariness of the Pacific Northwest surroundings.” Layering in this movie is a practical choice due to the cold weather but also adds another piece to the characters themselves.

Each character has a distinct style that draws a clear line between vampires, werwolves, and ordinary people. You can find the Cullen family wearing more timeless pieces along with frills and tunics as a little throw back to the years they were still mortal.

One of the most well-known outfits from the first film is Bella’s prom dress. I’m not sure if dress
is the best word for this outfit, but it includes a dress… along with carpi leggings, a flowery white cardigan, and a walking boot – sustained through a vampire dual. It’s clear she was dressed to the nines.


I believe that Twilight has one of the most underrated soundtracks of all time. The first movie has some of the most iconic scenes, paired with the most iconic song choices. Of course we must address the famous baseball scene. This dramatic, intense, baseball game is accompanied with the equally cool “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse.

One of the final scenes in the film is Edward and Bella at prom. They dance together while talking about their future (a very important topic since Bella wants Edward to turn into an immortal vampire). Iron & Wine’s “Flightless Bird, American Mouth” plays as a sweet sentiment to the conclusion of this movie. It’s definitely a tear-jerker and I may or may not curl into a ball every time I hear it.


Twilight holds such a special place in my heart. I always am up for watching it, but especially during fall. Recently, the Twilight fandom has been rekindled through Tik Tok as fans are recounting the many strangely comical scenes. Even now, it’s a movie so bad that it’s good! The recent popularity in the movie has also lead to a repeat in the fashion choices, so be ready to see lots of layers this winter. Overall, the four other movies within this franchise (New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn: Part 1, and Breaking Dawn: Part 2) are phenomenal, but the first will always be my favorite. The cast is hilariously bad, and I will always be apart of the Edward Cullen fang club. I highly suggest the movie for a fantastic start to fall. Be on the lookout for any handsome-yet-pale cuties on campus.

4 Comments on Twilight: Where the Hell have you been Loca?

  1. exj5169
    October 3, 2022 at 4:40 pm (2 years ago)

    I absolutely love twilight as well! When I was younger one of my friends would recite the entire movie script to me so I could fall asleep easier, it was my favorite thing ever.
    I had a little chuckle reading the title of your blog post, and love that scene every time I watch it. I would also have to agree that the first movie will always remain my favorite. I do sadly wish that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart would have stayed together in real life, but we can’t have everything we want.
    Another ting I’d like to mention is that I found the strong adjectives you used in your sentences made this post a lot more enjoyable to read. Can’t wait for the next movie review, because if I wasn’t familiar with Twilight this post would’ve convinced me to watch the movie.
    (I will also 100% be rewatching that baseball game scene on my way to my next class.)

  2. ggr5098
    October 3, 2022 at 4:58 pm (2 years ago)

    You have very strong punctuation in this post with creative hyphen use as well as ellipses. You also have powerful verb use in the final paragraph. Twilight is my grandma’s biggest obsession, so despite me never having seen it it still manages to be a part of my life. The post is also very humorous which made it much more enjoyable to read.

  3. mav5618
    October 3, 2022 at 5:01 pm (2 years ago)

    As someone who has never seen Twilight before, I have to say I feel like I get a sense that the movie may not be as bad as many(even you) make it to be. I think your focuses on fashion and music were very interesting and I like how you wove in some jokes and repetition to highlight and underscore various ideas. Overall, a very insightful piece!

  4. cbw5702
    October 31, 2022 at 5:03 pm (2 years ago)

    I definitely have to agree that Twilight is a movie that is so bad that it’s good! I remember the first time watching it: my friend and I were in middle school and heard about all of the hype behind the movies, and thought we were so rebellious for actually watching them ourselves… those were certainly the days! Anyways, I never payed much attention to the music and the fashion in the movies, but I thought your observations were very interesting. You can definitely tell the difference between the more formal and timeless “vampire fashion” from the more rugged and outdoorsy “werewolf fashion”. It is fun to see Twilight regain popularity all of these years later because instead of there being a big hype about the movies in general, the hype now is behind the comical parts of the movies (that were definitely not intended to be humorous!). Thanks for such a fun and interesting post!!

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