Hiking McCullough Gulch Falls in Colorado

In my last post, I discussed white water rafting in Colorado last summer. I did a lot of fun adventures in Colorado, thus I decided to continue writing about it. While my family and I were in Breckenridge, we decided to do a hike since there weren’t gonna be many more opportunities to do a good scenic hike. My dad picked a beginner- medium hike called McCullough Gulch Falls. I didn’t really know what to expect, I’ve been hiking before, but I wasn’t sure how difficult it will be because of the high altitude on top it.

The drive there was pretty crazy, we were driving up a mountain and going up altitude, which we all could feel since it became a bit harder to breathe. It wasn’t too bad, we were just dramatic and joked about buying the oxygen tanks that were sold in the gift shops. As we approached the entrance to the hike, we had to find parking on a nearly narrow road with one side exposed to the edge of the mountain, which was bit terrifying.

We parked and started walking- it started out flat and easy; however, it quickly became tiring. The entire hike was uphill and we all got tired quickly. We had to keep going since we had barely seen anything- there was a waterfall and a lake at the top. We continued climbing and got shown off by the many pro hikers that passed us, yet they were pretty friendly. Everyone in my family are active and work out often, but this hike really humbled us. However, we all blamed it on the high altitude. Most of the hike was just climbing up big rocks and it was rare to come across just a plain dirt path, yet we were super grateful when we came across one.

When we reached the waterfall, it felt so nice. We were able to just stop and appreciate the scenery. My mom, of course, made us stop and take a bunch of pictures, which my dad was really annoyed by. However, he was the one who ended up posting them to facebook when we got back. After our small photoshoot, we had to decide if we wanted to keep hiking to the top to a lake. We were all tired and did want to see the lake, but we saw the waterfall and thought that was enough. We went back down, which went a lot faster than going up. I think we all just wanted to get back and lay by the pool. We got in the car and felt accomplished, but our legs felt like jelly. In total we climbed 900 feet, which isn’t even a mile, but it was all uphill and high in altitude. However, the views were worth it and it was a good work out.

Katie Federman

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