TED: Your Fingerprints Reveal More Than You Think
In “Your fingerprints reveal more than you think”, Simona Francese speaks about powerful technology that is emerging in the advancement of research and work done by criminologists. Francese’s main theme centers around chemicals that remain on fingerprints and how criminologists have industrialized a new way to look at the molecular makeup of fingerprints and use that to catch criminals. She centers her TED talk around a specific rape crime with 3 suspects, and uses her fingerprint analysis to narrow it down to the person who actually committed the crime. What is strong about Francese’s presentation style is her visuals; she uses high-tech, yet easy to understand pictures to help explain her research and the innovation behind it. However, what is more difficult to understand about her presentation is the speech itself. Frances uses a lot of molecular terms that everyone watching may not know or have heard of before. A couple examples range from mass spectrometry, paracetamol, and more. This makes her speech a little harder to understand for the average listener who doesn’t have much of a science background. However, Francese’s presentation is highly sophisticated. This adds a lot of ethos to her presentation and adds value to the information she is relaying to the audience. These examples clearly show that there is a difference between delivering a speech and doing a presentation. In giving a speech, it is harder to establish a relationship with the presenter. However, like in Francese’s case, her presentation allows for her audience to respect her and the work that she does on the daily. Francese’s presentation and speech overall enhanced my understanding of the innovative technology being developed in forensics and how advanced the field is really becoming.