Since before we left for break, our group researched and continued to work on our project more and more. During this time, I did a few bits of researching, while Robbie and I worked on both the script and the storyboard these past couple of days. Carllee, Robbie, and I went to the one button studio on Wednesday to work on the voiceover and recording parts for our video. Although Morgan did the research, I researched a few things while writing the script just to have more background and to add onto our topic as a whole. This research included, watching multiple videos and reading articles from multiple news outlets to answer and elaborate on how milk is a public controversy. We as a group deemed it necessary to go into the ethics side of things while also touching on the nutritional benefits and how milk takes a toll on our bodies. While researching, I got both sides of the argument, big diary obviously supporting the drinking of milk while organizations like PETA emphasize the entire process of how we get cows milk and pushes us to stop drinking cow milk and go vegan.
Time will definitely be an issue in this project. When we went to the one button studio, we found our video to be a bit longer than originally anticipated. However, this can easily be fixed by editing, cutting weak information out, and even speeding some things up. Worse comes to worse, we could always speak a bit faster to ensure we get all of our information said and videos shown in the final product. Another thing I found difficulty with was having the controversy seem less one sided. Although, we highlighted both sides and backed it up with the credible information we found, I still think we have more anti-milk sentiments than pro-milk ones.