Principal Investigator
Email: keating *at*
Phone: (814) 863-7832
More about Dr. Keating here.
Current Graduate Students
Haritha De Silva
Email: khd5077*at*
Hometown: Kandy, Sri Lanka
Education: B.S. Chemistry, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Research Area: Functional gradients via materials synthesis in reactive multiphase emulsions
Hobbies: Ornithology, Wildlife photography, Gaming, Traveling and Watching movies
Kumudu Ranasinghe
Email: knr5313*at*
Hometown: Kandy, Sri Lanka
Education: B.S. Chemistry, University of Peradeniya
Research Area: Reconfigurable particle assemblies to understand and control lasing
Hobbies: Cooking, hiking, traveling, watching movies & sports.
Nicholas Driscoll
Email: njd5650*at*
Hometown: Connellsville, PA
Education: B.S. Chemistry, Saint Vincent College
Research Area: Reconfigurable particle assemblies for lensless imaging
Hobbies: Music, history and gaming.
Jiaqi Pei
Email: jjp6368*at*
Hometown: Taiyuan, China
Education: B.S. Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology
Research Area: RNA degradation and oligomerization through wet-dry cycle
Hobbies: Hiking, cooking, jogging, watching TV shows, going to musicals with my friends
Dharani Abeysinghe
Email: dta5135*at*
Hometown: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Education: B.S. Chemistry, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and B.S. Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
Research Area: Preorganizing reaction microenvironments using multiphase aqueous emulsions
Hobbies: Traveling, crafting, watching movies and TV shows, dancing
Ella Mullikin
Email: emm6558*at*
Hometown: Doylestown, PA
Education: B.A. Chemical Physics, Wellesley College
Research Area: Complex coacervate compartments and metal sulfides in hydrothermal vent pores
Hobbies: Linguistics
Jessica Lee
Email: jxl1845*at*
Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan
Education: B.S. Medicinal and Applied Chemistry (Kaohsiung Medical University)
Research Area: Understanding how lipids self-assemble in the presence of biopolymer liquid-liquid phase separation
Hobbies: Reading, hiking, jogging, traveling, DIY crafting, and watching movies
Jacob Shaffer
Email: jms7665*at*
Hometown: Johnstown, PA
Education: B.S. Biochemistry and B.S. Biology, University of Pittsburgh – Johnstown
Research Area: Thermodynamics of multivalent interactions leading to complex coacervation of bioinspired polyelectrolytes
Hobbies: Spending time with my family, watching sports, playing video games, doing construction projects
Sarah Chapman
Email: set35 *at*
Hometown: Landisville, PA
Education: B.S. Chemistry and B.A. Anthropology, Hartwick College (Oneonta, NY)
Research Area: Studying the effects of macromolecular crowding on complex coacervation
Hobbies: Playing with my dog, traveling, cooking, making homemade bagels
Francesco Pecere
Member of both Keating & Bevilacqua Labs
Email: fqp5097*at*
Postdoctoral Scholars
Dr. Manesh Joshi
NASA Postdoctoral Fellow

Undergraduate Researchers
Zane Burris
Sean Zsoldos