Preliminary Outline 1:

A rough outline of Rhetorical Analysis paper comparing and contrasting the Ice Cream WOrld Wildlife Fund and the Honda Grrrr video. Each point disregarding the thesis is meant to be a full paragraph analyzing rhetoric as it relates to the thesis.

Honda Grrrr Artifact Speech Outline

Above is the link set to my speech outline in the google drive. The organizational content is flexible to the point where the set standards are viable to change in terms of the chronological order of points presented. The two artifacts I would like to prepare have been posted already.

The Word Wildlife Fund Advertisement

This advertisement advocates for a major issue in global warming through its analogy to an ice cream cone, a common human dessert enjoyed by many. By relating an objective and vague concept (such as global warming) to the more specific and visible problem (a melting ice cream cone) consumers are able to see the drastic changes everyday pollution and green house gas has caused.


Social Psychology: An Astounding Mix

The concept of Social Psychology has always been an intriguing mix of objective science and deep modern concepts often browsed by somewhat angsty teens. One such blog that embodies such characteristics is the psyblog which as the name suggests debates everyday topics from a psycho social perspective.

Perhaps, one of the first aspects one notices upon entering this blog is a list of riveting headlines dealing with a variety of personality and social links.  Upon closer inspection, one can notice a clear pattern with the format of each headline. It’s interesting to realize the majority of blog topics debate upon a series of associative correlations. While most of these concepts are backed by authoritative figures, quotes, and research, it is also important to take into account the purpose of this blog, that is, to entertain. Common with a majority of modern day media, Psyblog also has a tendency to overexaggerate often times implying a correlation between two aspects that have almost no causal factor. With vague action verbs such as linked, appears, and tends to be, it is easy to be misled into thinking a mere association possessing a causation. At the same time, it is these very bizarre almost factual statements that provide high amounts of entertainment for those interested in the social and somewhat psychological aspects of life. Even though this might not be as meticulous as some other scientific blogs, the pathos and allure of the subject and accompanying pictures more than make up for it. For those deeply vested in the blog, it won’t take long to find the accompanying pubmed or NCBI article as cited by each article. After all, everything exaggerated always have semblances of truth in them and a cross analysis of journal articles can provide just the evidence in gaining a more holistic approach.

Blog Interest: An analysis

One of the most interesting blog sites that piqued my interest consists of a science blog dedicated to the latest information. Upon immediate entrance into this blog, the first thing one notices is the colorful detail the blog imposes upon the reader. The format of Sciencemag is set in a way where the latest and most interesting news is easy to access and view with accompanying pictures. Right under the main interchanging headlines lies a series of columns ranging from latest news in science to career development and official journals. Everything that might interest a reader first visiting this blog is virtually a click away. People searching for advanced and more specific information can visit the various topics while those interested in scientific research have access to publically reviewed journals. The compelling pictures within each article evoke a surprising amount of pathos for topics one would generally consider a more objective concept. The formatting of a blog is crucial in establishing the loyalty and entertainment of clients and this blog embodies that concept. What makes this even more admirable is the intertwining of both objective reports and interest topics (nerdy and bizarre topics of interest). Each post is backed up by either references or authoritative writing filled with quote analysis and theories. For some of the more serious journal articles, actual citations and links are correlated to official public peer review sites such as NCBI and Pubmed. As someone greatly interested in the science field, this blog proved a great inspiration for my passion blog through its successful combination of both the witty and informative ends of the spectrum.