Passion & Civic Issues Blog Topic Decision

For my passion blog I have decided to write about the different National Parks I have visited. I wrote about this last semester but my family and I love to travel so I have many more I would like to write about. I think that I can provide a lot of insight into activities I enjoyed for other people interested in visiting the same National Parks. Also, I might be able to open people’s eyes to everything National Parks have to offer and why they are so fun to visit. 

Devils Tower National Monument, Devils Tower - WY | Roadtrippers
This is a picture of Devils Tower in Wyoming. It was the first National Monument established in the United States. I visited here a few years ago!


For my civic issues blog I have decided to write about prison/criminal justice reform. This is the topic that I am most passionate about and interested in. I am thinking of going to law school in the future so this blog relates to my studies and future plans. I will have a lot of things to write about seeing as this is an important topic at the moment in our country. I hope to not only inform others but also learn more myself about our criminal justice system. 

The economic case for American criminal justice reform - CapX

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