E-Portfolio Introduction

For my portfolio, I am thinking of choosing Wix as my platform. I think that this would allow me to be the most creative and provide me with the most options when creating my website. I also have had experience working with Wix before and found it easy to use. 

Possible purposes for my website include using it for going to law school in the future, potential internships, or for my family who I do not see very often because they live in Florida. I am leaning towards using my website for either law school or potential internships because I think it would be very beneficial. I also have many artifacts that I could use to demonstrate my interests and passion for law and helping others. 

If I choose to go in this direction, my audience would be those at law school admissions or those who work for internships. They could use my website to learn more about me and my accomplishments. 

I am thinking of including a “Home” tab which would include information about me. I will also include a tab about some of my work I have done in school such as my Civic Issues Blog. I would also like to include a tab about the things I have done outside of school such as my experience at the National Student Leadership Conference. Lastly, I will include my résumé for potential internships or law school admissions officers. 

Some artifacts I would like to include are my Civic Issues Blog, Issue Brief, Advocacy Project and something from my time at Georgetown at the National Student Leadership Conference. 

2 thoughts on “E-Portfolio Introduction

  1. I agree that Wix may be the most viable option of the three. I believe it will provide the best help, especially since you have experience using it. I think you have a very good direction in terms of your Eportfolio project. I think this could provide a very good opportunity to make a website to showcase yourself for potential internships or jobs in the future. I also really like your idea to use the tabs and the artifacts from previous work during RCL. I think this could be a strong demonstration of your work over the past year.

  2. I have also used Wix in my past and agree that it is very easy to use. I believe your experience with the platform will help you on the project. I like the ideas you mentioned that you could incorporate in your e-portfolio. More specifically, I like how they all tie back to your goal of one day becoming a lawyer. Your works in this RCL class definitely provide evidence of your work ethic necessary to become a lawyer.

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