1) What do you feel you did well on?

I think I did well with speaking confidently. There was definitely a part near the end were I started tripping over my words, but other than that I think my voice was clear. I think my tone was good because it was casual enough that it didn’t sound like I was lecturing, but it was formal enough that I created credibility and convinced/showed/persuaded my audience that I had done research and understood my topic.

2) What are some areas to improve?

I need to improve my posture. I leaned on the podium and kept talking with my hands which obstructed my face. I spoke quickly and lost eye contact when reading from my note card which made it hard to understand what I was saying. I used verbal fillers such as UM and SO very often when I was collecting my thoughts. When I asked rhetorical questions I dropped my voice and was hard to understand. Speech needed more focus and less rhetorical questions. Very repetitive (Now, at that point).

3. What are three things that happened that you weren’t aware of?

  • 1. My jokes weren’t as funny as I thought (people did not enjoy when I made them raise their hands). (Audience engagement failed). Every time I laughed at myself I just turned my head and closed my eyes.
  • 2. I wasn’t aware that I used verbal fillers because they come so naturally and I use them LIKE all the time like SO much um, yeah. Hahahaha.
  • 3. I didn’t realize that I dropped my voice or sped up the end of my sentences.

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