What was the most helpful feedback you received in the peer review workshops?

Organization: I was very confused about how I should organize my information because I think of my essay in terms of the chronological order of my research, instead of what readers need to understand.

What were the most interesting discoveries you made as you researched your topic? 

I learned a lot about the history of polygamy, birth control, and STDs. I’ve grown up in  a very Catholic family and never really learned about these subjects except in school. I have a large family so I have seen how different relationships and marriages are different between couples, but I’ve never thought about people being with other multiple other people.

What is the significance of the paradigm shift you explored? In other words, what do you feel is most important point for your reader to take away from your paper?  

The significance is that it shows the future of health issues and marriage changes. The institution of marriage, as recognized by the government has already begun changing since same-sex marriage was legalized, but the social views of marriage have completely changed and will change further with the increase exposure to hook-up culture.

How has this project helped you develop as a writer?

This project helped me develop as a writer because I researched and analyzed topics that I am very uncomfortable talk about and that I don’t have any experience with other than seeing its prevalence on social media and in college. This taught me to just push through and try to analyze things in an unbiased manor while still making an argument. This has also helped me to develop my focus, and sharpen my topic sentences when writing argumentative essays.

One thought on “RCL BLOG #8

  1. I’m glad my feedback was helpful! (It probably wasn’t though!)
    It’s neat to see all of the different things you learned through the process of researching and writing your paper- it helped to expand your worldview. I hadn’t really seen the polygamy part of your paper so I’m kind of excited to read that, I think it will be interesting.

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