Favorite Movies and Recommendations

Since this will be the last passion blog of the semester, I thought it would be nice to write about some of my favorite movies that I have yet to talk about.  Although the movies I have mentioned in previous posts are a part of some of my favorite films, I just want to add some recommendations about some other great films that others should consider watching.

For one, the movie The Pursuit of Happyness is one film that I highly recommend. This movie stars Will Smith alongside his son Jaden Smith who play a father and son duo. This film takes place in San Franciso in the 1980s and is based on a true story about a struggling salesman named Chris Gardner (Will Smith) who is trying to make sure his son Christopher (Jaden Smith) is able to live a comfortable life. Throughout the entity of the film, viewers get to see the immense amount of struggles that Chris goes through as a parent and as a man trying to climb out of the financial hole that he is in. Throughout all of these tumultuous times in his life, the consistent motivation that Chris has serves as a great motivating factor for audiences to keep going through difficult times and never stop looking for your own happiness.

Another movie that I recommend is Jurassic Park. Most of you reading this have probably heard of this film as it is very popular despite being made back in the early 1990s. This movie is science-fiction and is about a made-up theme park where dinosaurs were able to be recreated. The conflict that occurs and makes up the majority of the plot is that the dinosours escape from their confinement causing those visiting to fight for survival. Although this movie is not a very inspirational one with a deep message being sent like in The Pursuit of Happyness , it is an exciting film that is a classic. As a side note, this film is violent which is something viewers should be aware of before watching.

Finally, a third movie that I highly reccoment is called Saving Private Ryan. This film takes place during World War II, more specifically in France following the D-Day invasion.  This movie stars well known actors like Tom Hanks and Matt Damon who play members of the U.S.military. As an overview of the plot, when three of the four Ryan brothers are killed in the D-Day invasion, a group of U.S. military members are sent to search for the fourth Ryan brother to inform him he has been discharged from the military and should rerutrn home. In order to accomplish this, the group of military personal have to travel through dangerous territory. This film is great because of not only the terrific acting, but also the message that is being sent which deals with the strength of friendship and brotherhood. Just like Jurrasic Park, however, this film is also contains violent scenes which viewers should know before watching the film.


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  1. Though I have not seen all of these movies, your descriptions are very interesting. I like that you have introduced movies with a variety of subjects, yet found ways to connect them through their messages and content.