At some point in your law school education, you may hear from your professors that class readings are on “Course Reserves“. They are referring to items on your syllabus or a list of relevant readings from books or articles of significance to your class.
To find the items placed on reserve for your class, go to The CAT, click on the “Course Reserves” tab at the top of the page, and search for your materials by Instructor Name, Course Name, or Course Number.
If you see a call number for the item that means the materials are a print format or physical reserve, usually a book or DVD. Remember to write down the call number from the record. These resources are located behind the circulation desk and are shelved by instructor’s name and call number. Materials are available for 2-hour checkouts with renewals permitted.
Other reserve materials are selected book chapters, law review articles, or other sources to supplement your class. To locate these resources, again search The CAT and choose the “Course Reserves” tab on the University Libraries home page.
In the gray box, click on the highlighted link Access the libraries’ electronic reserves by viewing our e-reserves system. Follow the instructions on this page to access the e-resources for your class. Some entries may link to electronic books. Other links will lead you directly to journal articles, book chapters, etc.; they will be available in pdf format and may be downloaded or printed.
If you have questions about Course Reserves, please inquire at the circulation desk or contact the Law Library faculty.