The end of the semester is the perfect time to return any research materials borrowed from the library. Here are answers to some common questions.
How do you return materials from interlibrary loan or items from other Penn State campus libraries?
You can return these items to us. Place your borrowed materials on the book return cart in front of the Service Desk or on the counter.
How do you return reference or reserve books?
The procedure is different if you have a reference book or course reserves because the loan period is only 2 hours. You should return these items directly to library staff to ensure prompt check-in. Of course, you can renew reference and reserve books using your library account.
You will be charged overdue fines if you fail to return reference or reserve items on time.
Can you return items without entering the library? ![](https://sites.psu.edu/keepingitbrief/files/2020/06/book-receptacle-225x300.jpg)
Yes. There is an outdoor book return receptacle at the South Street entrance to the law school.
Can you return books to another Penn State campus library?
Yes. Borrowed materials may be returned to any Penn State location. Please check the library hours at the other campus for in-person returns. You can also return books to most Penn State campus libraries through an outdoor receptacle or book return slot.
What should you do if none of these options work?
Contact us at DickinsonLawLib@psu.edu.
What are the library hours during the break?
The library will not be staffed from Friday, December 22nd through Monday, January 1st, 2024. But you can still access the building and library using your law school ID.