As part of the larger Penn State University community, Dickinson Law offers students, faculty, and staff access to first-rate academic resources. Through conventional searching for your topic, there are thousands of print materials available to use, as well as electronic books, online databases, and other Penn State collections.
In searching for materials, use author, title or subject in the CAT. You may wonder, is this resource available in our library or at another another Penn State campus? Once you’ve found a book, note its location availability.
To borrow the item from another campus, click the I Want It button located on the entry and follow the instructions for placing a hold, reserving the item for your use with your borrower’s account. The materials placed on hold from other libraries should arrive here in a few days. When the item is received, it is discharged. At that time, you will receive an email indicating that it is here and ready for you to check out. Please remember to bring your identification card to check out materials.
It is possible to place a hold on a book from our law library as well – just use the I Want It button again. The library staff will receive notification that it is requested and will pull the book from our shelves. Follow the instructions for placing the hold using Dickinson Law (Carlisle) as the pick up location.
Infrequently you may receive a “Hold(s) failed” message after you click I Want It. The most common reason is that there aren’t any copies available for lending. This could be the case with a very popular item. You can still borrow that title by simply placing an inter-library loan request for it.
Your hold(s) on the item(s) will last several weeks as indicated by the Not Needed After date displayed when you place it. If you receive a message saying your hold has expired, it may be that the item is missing, or that particular book has been requested by an Instructor for course reserves and is unavailable. You can still request the book through inter-library loan.
If you receive a “recall notice” for items you have checked out, it means University Libraries has recalled the item to allow another borrower to use the materials. You have 10 days from the date you receive the recall notice to return the item. If you are not finished using it, place another hold on it or request it through inter-library loan.
This helpful link from University Libraries lists procedures for borrowing, loan period for items, renewing, and placing inter-library loan requests. Please remember to return the resources you borrow to the library by the date they are due. The library staff will check in the items and shelve them or send them back to the lending libraries.