Ryan Awarded Summer Scholarship

We’re so happy to announce that our undergraduate Ryan Opferman was awarded a Summer 2023 College of Ag Sciences Undergraduate Research Award from Penn State! This award will allow Ryan to conduct research in the lab through the summer. Ryan is looking at native PA plants and their impact on glucosidase activity and downstream glucose…Continue Reading Ryan Awarded Summer Scholarship

Ellie Receives NIH F31 Fellowship Award

A huge congratulations to our graduate student Ellie Abraham, who has been awarded an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F31 predoctoral fellowship) from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Ellie’s project looks at new machine learning approaches to better identify botanical dietary supplement samples, as well as key bioactive…Continue Reading Ellie Receives NIH F31 Fellowship Award

SURE Fellowship Awarded to our Undergrad

Excited for our undergraduate Amelia, who will be working in our lab this summer via a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) fellowship from the Eberly College of Science at Penn State. She’s gonna tackle some of the burning questions we have about Appalachian medicinal plants and their bioactivity!…Continue Reading SURE Fellowship Awarded to our Undergrad

🎆 Ellie Awarded GCA Fellowship 🎆

Ellie Abraham, PhD candidate with the Kellogg Team, has been awarded the Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany, funded by the Garden Club of America and the Missouri Botanical Garden. The award will fund her project looking at differential extraction methods and combination effects of the medicinal/culinary plant basil (Ocimum basilicum) against antimicrobial resistant…Continue Reading 🎆 Ellie Awarded GCA Fellowship 🎆