Teal Jordan

Lab  Manager


M.S., Penn State University (Forest Resources)
B.S., University of Georgia (Environmental Science)

Campus Address:

321 Huck Life Sciences Bldg.
University Park, PA 16802

Email: rtj5@psu.edu

More information about Teal

Teal joined the Kellogg Lab after receiving her master’s degree in forest resources at Penn State. Her research combined field collection and laboratory analysis to examine seasonal changes in the phytochemistry of ramps (Allium tricoccum Ait.), an edible forest plant native to Pennsylvania. She has studied medicinal plants and herbalism for about a decade and has industry experience in herbal product manufacturing. She is a Georgia native and holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of Georgia. Her current research interests include the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and ecology of medicinal and edible plants, as well as the sustainable collection, management, and production quality of these species.