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Venom the worse one, not Sam Raimi’s version though

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) - IMDb

So, I’d like to say that I am a connoisseur of superhero movies, and this movie was trying way too hard. (Sorry I’m so harsh) The first Venom movie was pretty good, like mid-tier, it was bad enough to be good. This was trying to be bad and was bad. The first movie was a fluke and Sony should have realized they just got lucky with Venom. I’ll stop going for the neck now… 

It is true what I said before, this movie was trying really hard to hit the same small, niche good-bad storyline the first movie stumbled on. My friend from back home reminded me the movie had come out, so I had to wait a bit to watch it, college takes up a lot of time as it turns out. When I got to watch it over break, I didn’t have that many expectations, and I’m glad I didn’t. I enjoyed it somewhat knowing it would never be the first movie. It had the typical Marvel villain, another version of the hero/anti-hero, and CGI heavy fight sequences. However, this movie had a romantic comedy subplot with Eddie and Venom?  Jokes about couples counseling? A big argument with time away from each other when they learn that they each value each other more than they thought? A POST END CREDIT HONEYMOON?? I wish I was making it up. It was the clique of cliques, but it made the movie so much better than it would have been without it. It was the backbone of the entire plot, it was the foil to Cassidy, the main villain, getting to meet his long-lost lover. They could have gone without drawing attention to Eddie and Anne’s failed marriage, it happened too much in the hour and thirty-minute run time. Was it also very uncomfortable? Yes. 

I don’t think they had as much budget for this sequel, and it shows in the parts that were not shown in the trailer. Venom looks different than the first movie and has some scenes that look very jumpy/underdeveloped. Tom Hardy looked like he was on the brink of death as well as hot? Don’t ask me how he does it. I wish it didn’t seem like Eddie put no effort into his journalism job, he really cared about it in the first movie, and they seemed to go back on that front in this movie. Don’t get me started on the movie version of Cassidy and Carnage I will explode. This was a ton of nitpicking, but this movie could have been good but fell a little short. 


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