For my final blog, I will share my top song from my Spotify Wraps of the 2020s
In the second half of my sophomore year of High School, my favorite song was “Cigarette Daydreams” by Cage the Elephant. (I listened to this song 161 times, according to Spotify Wrapped). This song spoke to me on many levels. The acoustic guitar in the beginning creates a more intimate feel as if the singer is singing directly to the audience. Then, the song adds some pianos and lower bass and drum sounds during the chorus. This allows the song to feel more full and poppy.
The lyrics of the song are also bittersweet as they feel both comforting and longing. “You can drive all night looking for the answers in the pouring rain…” “you wanna find peace of mind, looking for the answers,” (Cage The Elephant). These lyrics are extremely ambiguous; what is the answer and what is the question being asked? We do not know this as the listener, but that leaves the song up for interpretation and for the audience to fill in the blank—relating the song to their own personal experiences.
That is why I love the song. The culmination of music and lyrics allows the listener to feel a sense of loss and longing while also having an upbeat song to walk to class with. Furthermore, to make it more personal, this was the first song I planned on listening to on my first drive alone (after receiving my license). It was a cathartic moment for me to feel older and like I was in search of finding my own answers while driving in the pouring rain (or in my case, snow).
Furthermore, my top song of 2021 was called “PPP” by Beach House. Oh, how I LOVE Beach House! I first discovered them through Tik Tok, embarrassingly enough, with their song “Space Song.” Another embarrassing thing to add is that I would often lay on a couch on my back deck at night and listen to that song while watching the stars. It was extremely emotional and quite cringe worthy to look back on. However, the love I have for “PPP” is unmatched. This is another song that has amazing music and moving lyrics.
It begins with a set of notes that are played in a loop; it has a feeling of spiraling. Next, there are some background vocals and eventually the chord progression changes, and the vocals get louder until the first lyrics that are spoken: “Out in the heartland, I looked in your eyes. And I asked, ‘Are you ready? Ready for this life?’” (Beach House.) Then it goes into singing, “Did you see it coming? It happened so fast. The timing was perfect. Water on glass.” (Beach House.)
Now, again these lyrics are very ambiguous, we do not know for sure what the writer means, but it can also be left up for interpretation. I love the lyrics of this song, I find them very deep and moving, but they are nothing compared to the feeling the music gives.
I forgot to mention this song is 6 minutes and 9 seconds long; I also listened to it a total of 201 times in 2021 (according to my Spotify Wrapped). But that makes you wonder, what story is being told that takes that long. Well, the lyrics only take up 3 minutes and 40 seconds of the song. The rest is a beautiful instrumental that is indescribable, especially with headphones. You just have to listen.
The sound is so full with vocals that come in and repeat the same consistent “ah’s” throughout the rest of the song while the instruments go on a loop once again. It finally closes out similarly to the beginning of the song, but this time with less energy, it is more calming and puts me to sleep every time.
Now, my top song for this year was “Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex. I must give a disclaimer for this song. I do love Cigarettes After Sex but am fully aware about their misogynistic lyrics. I wish it wasn’t this way, but the music is too good. Also, this song is not as bad as others, this one is more sweet I like to think.
Anyways, with that being said, this was my top song and I listened to it 121 times. It did come as a surprise because I found this song a while ago and therefore was already used to it, but I do love the song. It starts off very calming and then is met by a nice bass that adds some flavor to the sound.
The first lyrics begin, “You leapt from crumbling bridges, watching cityscapes turn to dust” (Cigarettes After Sex). Then it goes to say, “Filming helicopters crashing in the ocean from way above” (Cigarettes After Sex). These lyrics sound very apocalyptic to me. But then they go into saying “Got the music in you, baby. Tell me why. X2 You’ve been locked in there forever and you just can’t say goodbye” (Cigarettes After Sex). This is where I get confused as to what the underlying message of the song is.
When I am trying to decipher this, I often go on Genius and look up the lyrics to the song. Oftentimes there are users that will give their interpretations of lyrics. Most of what I found had to do with the artist comparing a past love to an apocalypse, pretty dramatic if you ask me.
But anyways, I am more of a music listener rather than a lyric listener (unless it comes to Taylor Swift, in which I will spend hours and days trying to figure out her lyrics). But, I love songs with effective music and moving chord progressions the best, that is what truly makes me feel the song.
I like the music in this song, it is very similar to other Cigarettes After Sex songs but they are all effective. With that being said, to rank my top songs of each year in the 2020s, it would go:
- Cigarette Daydreams
- Apocalypse
December 2, 2022 — 3:21 pm
I think this blog does a great job of explaining lyrics and adding analysis to music, while still tying in personal thoughts and adding opinions. It’s really interesting to read about the evolution of music through your eyes and what you did or didn’t like about it. The way it’s set up by decade is also really cool because it allows us to really analyze context and try to figure out why some music was popular at one time and even what events led to that surge in popularity.