Key Note Project

This project was made in my point of view of what I believe art is. When I think of the word Art, many things come to mind. If you take a look at my mind map you will be able to look at everything that came to my mind. Growing up I was taught that I was art because I was a masterpiece. I was taught everything I thought was Art, everything I did was art and everything I said was art. This describes my reasoning for the picture of the individual thinking and the women looking into the mirror. Ever since I was a little girl, my grandma had one of Diego Riveras Original paintings, and I was tons of people who walked into our home offer her large amounts of money for the painting but my grandmother would never give in. This taught me how valuable an artist’s artwork was. It taught me that art is something you cherish and value. Art can also be an illusion depending on how you interpret a piece. Growing up I also learned that music is a form of art is that beautiful that is made in many different ways.