As if… my next movie would be anything other than Clueless


Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡


If you liked this movie, you’d like: 10 Things I Hate About You (my favorite movie btw), Mean Girls, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, The Clique, Another Cinderella Story, Monte Carlo, Wicked (the play)


To all you guys, I highly recommend this movie because it is such a classic, but I understand this movie might not be for you. However, don’t let the cute outfits and lip gloss deter you from trying this movie. It is about so much more than a rich blonde girl.


I’m not going to lie, this movie is straight up romance, with bits and pieces of comedy. There is no action whatsoever in the film.


Clueless, made in 1995, is one of my favorite movies of all time. The basic premise of the movie is a popular rich girl, Cher, and her best friend, Dionne, befriend the strange new girl, Tai, and attempt to make her popular. Despite the summary of the movie sounding cliché and girly, it goes much deeper. Cher uses her people skills to learn about herself and try to become a better person. With the help of her step-brother (sort of), Cher realizes that popularity isn’t everything.


















The one part of this movie that I dislike is the relationship between Cher and her step-brother Josh, who is at least four years older than her, although I am not exactly sure how much older. Their relationship starts off rocky with insults from both sides, and by the end of the movie, you are shipping incest so hard. Even though Cher’s father and Josh’s mother were only married for a very brief period of time, I am not sure I like the romantic relationship between the two. Furthermore, Cher is just getting her license while Josh is already talking about law school. The age gap between the two is too much for me to be comfortable with.


Okay, so let’s talk about Tai. Tai comes to the new school, and seems hopeless. Dressed strangely, wearing weird make-up, and overall just not resembling her fellow Beverly Hills classmates. But never fear, for Cher gallantly takes it upon herself to change Tai. During this process, Cher overcorrects and accidentally ends up making Tai more popular than herself. People argue that Cher only becomes a good person after this, but I think otherwise. Cher may come off as ditzy, lazy, and shallow, but she is genuinely a good person. Here are some reasons that I think so:


  • Cher takes it upon herself to talk to Tai when she knows nobody. She really doesn’t have to befriend the new girl, but she does anyway.
  • She helps get two teachers together. Cher loves giving makeovers and to teachers are no exception. Cher pounces on the opportunity to help a fellow woman out.
  • Cher also tries to help Tai get the boy she likes, Elton.
  • She collects donations for a relief organization.
  • She gets food for her father and his lawyers when they pull an all-nighter.
  • She makes sure her father eats right all the time.



Overall, this movie might be a stereotypical chick flick, but it is very good. I hope that if this movie sounds good to you, you consider watching it if only for style inspiration. No one can pull off yellow plaid quite like Cher.☺

First Rule of Fight Club: Watch Fight Club

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡


If You Liked This Movie, You’d Like: A Beautiful Mind, Inception, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Sherlock Holmes, Spy Game


Even if you have made it an entire eighteen years having never seen Fight Club, which I think is hard to do, you probably know the first rule of Fight Club. However, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, the first rule is “You do not talk about Fight Club.” This movie is so iconic and has so many reasons to watch it: the complex plot, quality directing, and stunning special effects just to name a few. Admittedly, the noble reason I first watched this movie is two words: Brad Pitt.

However, in all seriousness, this action movie is exciting from start to finish. If you are someone who likes movies that force you to pay attention to small details throughout the film and connect them at the end, this movie is for you. Another attraction of the movie is the name itself. What is Fight Club? Who is in it? Why are people fighting? I watched the movie to have all of these questions answered.

Anyway, back to Brad Pitt. Okay, okay, and also Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. I want to give props to the Casting Director because whoever he or she is, he or she did an excellent job. And despite his hotness (am I right ladies?), Brad Pitt really is a skilled actor. Paired with Edward Norton, these two make up an iconic duo. This duo’s chemistry is natural from start to finish. Helena Bonham Carter’s portrayal of Marla Singer is also spot on. These three characters alone make up the bulk of the movie, and without their acting abilities, this two hour-ten-minute film could have been considered dull.

If you’re looking for a small summary of this movie, all I can really say is that a man wants to change his life, and that change begins with Fight Club. Because of the copious plot twists, I won’t tell you anymore as I promised no spoilers.

So in review:

Watch this movie if: you like action movies, movies that have plot twists, or Brad Pitt (no shame).

Don’t watch this movie if: you have trouble keeping up with complicated plots, you don’t like seeing blood, you have something against Brad Pitt

























Okay, so if you’ve seen this movie, you are aware of the giant plot twist. If you don’t remember, it is that Edward Norton is real life Tyler Durden while Brad Pitt is the Tyler Durden of Norton’s imagination. If you are watching the movie for the first time, it is nearly impossible to catch any of the clues that could give away the plot twist. However, if you go back and re-watch the movie as I did, you will notice multiple instances that give away the ending. Here I have listed some of those clues simply for your enjoyment.


  • Before the figment Tyler is introduced on the plane, you can actually see two very small flashes of his character before that as well as one scene where he is in the background. The first flash of fake Tyler is at the Testicular Cancer meeting. The second time is right after Tyler meets Marla. While these two flashes are brief and could be missed, they are unmistakable when specifically looking for them. And lastly, the third time he is seen, this time for a longer period of time, is when real Tyler is in an airport and you can see Pitt’s character with luggage in the background. What is notable about this scene is what Tyler is saying when Pitt is seen. Tyler says, “If you wake up at a different time in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?” (Fight Club). It is no accident that the writers had Tyler question this while Pitt is in view. This is one of the earliest clues as to who Pitt really is in the film.
  • The second clue is when Tyler and Tyler officially meet on the plane. Real Tyler points out that the two have the same briefcase.
  • The third clue is probably a little more controversial. If you know the plot twist, you know that Tyler is actually beating himself up a couple times since Pitt’s character isn’t real. Now I don’t know about you, but when Tyler beats himself up on purpose in his boss’s office, it seems extremely convincing. The only way someone could have hit himself like that is if he has had practice. This is a small clue to the fact that Tyler was beating himself up all along.via GIPHY
  • Tyler first sees figment Tyler drive away in a luxurious red car. Now, when figment Tyler invites real Tyler to stay with him when his apartment explodes, the car is gone. Real Tyler even acknowledges this and figment Tyler responds to this by saying, “What car?” implying that there never was a car. This shows that the car was just made up in Tyler’s head along with Pitt’s character.
  • When Tyler and Tyler are sharing a very small portion of their backstory, the resemblance is striking. They both mention having fathers that were not great. This is one of the clues proving that Tyler and Tyler are the same person. However, this clue is extremely hard to catch when seeing the movie for the first time as it appears to merely be a coincidence.
  • In my opinion, the largest clue that might lead someone to guess the plot twist is the relationship between the Tylers and Marla. Real Tyler believes that fake Tyler is with Marla. Fake Tyler makes real Tyler promise to never talk about fake Tyler to Marla. If you look closely, you will notice that all three characters are never shown in the same frame until after the plot twist is revealed. Anytime Marla leaves, fake Tyler will return and vice versa.


I’m sure there are many more clues that I missed, and if you know of anymore, feel free to leave them in the comments section. That’s it for now!


**Please note that while other sites give ratings and suggestions for other movies, the choices in this blog were made entirely without help of any of these sites. They were all specifically hand chosen by myself based on my own opinion.**