Have you ever wondered what the terrifying fish in Finding Nemo is, or if it even exists? Well, I’m here to tell you that it indeed exists, and its arguably even stranger than you would imagine. Today we will dive into this odd and terrifying creature, and how it accommodates to the desolate, dark environment of the deep sea.
The anglerfish is characterized by its glowing appendage that hangs over its head, dangling near the entrance of its mouth. It utilizes its bioluminescence to lure its prey into its terrifying gape. The anglerfish is the lightbulb of the ocean, while its prey are mosquitos.
Its light source is produced by symbiotic bacteria within the anglerfish’s attractive appendage. The anglerfish waits for smaller fish to swim to its mesmerizing light, then chomps down on its meal. Because food is so scarce in the deep ocean, the anglerfish must conserve its energy to survive. This unique lure allows the specimen to do so.
Matriarchal societies within different species is so fascinating because it is a total twist from the standard human patriarchy. The roles that the two sexes of anglerfish play are completely different from one another. In their world, females are far larger than the males. Females have a body length of about 73 cm, whereas the males are about 49 cm on average.
When a male encounters a female anglerfish, it fuses itself to her body for the rest of its life. This allows the male to permanently give its sperm to the female, so the female always has a mating partner. They are the parasites of the sexes, but even then, the female is the one that is taking from the male. Anglerfish certainly take romantic attachment to a whole new level.
You might be asking yourself, “Why do certain species have such wildly different processes of reproduction than we do?” Animals that reside in far different environments must adapt to continue to survive and thrive. Anglerfish are just one example of evolution’s creativity and variation.
Upon learning about the elusive anglerfish, I wondered why I have never seen one in the wild or in an attraction. Turns out, it is because these animals reside in one of the most extreme environments on Earth. They live in the deep sea, up to 3,000 meters below the surface. At this extraordinary depth, it is pitch black. No sunlight can penetrate the amount of water that shields them from the surface. It is also extremely cold: about 39 degrees Fahrenheit.
Finding one of these mysterious creatures unintentionally is like finding an extraterrestrial creature in your backyard. It’s just not going to happen. Whether that is a good or bad thing is entirely your opinion. Personally, I am very grateful for the miles of ocean separating us from these critters.
So far we have talked about the anglerfish’s bioluminescent lure, its unique dimorphism, and its extreme habitat. Unfortunately, there is another characterization of this animal that is worthy of being brought up: its endangerment. The population of anglerfish is steadily declining, and one species of anglerfish is considered critically endangered by the World Conservation Union.
These fish are threatened due to global warming, deep-sea fishing practices, and habitat destruction. As humans alter the environment, anglerfish are not able to thrive in the conditions in which they are designed. Conservation efforts, such as establishing marine protected areas and sustainable fishing practices, are necessary in preserving these unique creatures.
I loved how you started this blog post by referencing Finding Nemo, as that was actually my first exposure to this creature as a kid. The information you included about their reproductive habits was also very interesting, it is crazy to think how different organisms can be when they live in such extreme environments. I hope good efforts are put towards the conservation of this unique species.
THIS IS SO INTERESTING! I love reading your blog because it’s so interesting to learn about deep sea creatures. It’s so cool to think about how vast the world is that there are such different environmental conditions and crazy looking animals that have adapted to live in them. Angler fish have always terrified me but it’s really cool to hear about the different roles that the different sexes have. If our society was like that I bet it would be quite different. Why are the fish attracted to light?
Finding Nemo is the reason I know about this fish as I’m sure is the same for many others. I knew about the matriarchal nature of this species, but I didn’t know that the male literally attaches to the female for life. I find that really interesting because it’s unlike any other mating practice I’ve heard of. The fact that this species is declining is really sad too. I feel like it is a staple of many childhoods because of its appearance in Finding Nemo and I would be sad to see it go. I wonder how the quantify how many are left considering how they live in basically another world.
Thank you for raising awareness regarding the endangerment of the angler fish. Despite evolution’s creativity, allowing them to adapt to the harsh environments of the deep ocean, the rate at which humans have been destroying their habitats and causing rising ocean temperatures is too fast for these animals to gain adaptations that allow them to survive. Even though the anglerfish is a bit terrifying, it is still important to preserve the wonderful diversity of Earth, including the creatures that are going to haunt my nightmares.
The romance attachment was a plot twist for me when comparing their overall body structure. It’s interesting that they have a scary look but are able to take loyalty to their partner to another level. I wonder how they preserve the light above their head. I also wonder about the journey of its discovery because it is so bottom beneath the ocean. Do the scientists take one back and examine it in the laboratory?
I love that you chose to talk about deep sea creatures for your blogs! People are always so worried about aliens and space yet we kinda have our own on earth. We still haven’t explored much of the ocean so who knows what else is out there but hopefully, we will have the technology to explore more in the near future. Anglerfish are super interesting creatures that, yes look nightmarish but they are quite fascinating. It is cool to see the adaptations they have developed from living so deep in the ocean and like you mentioned, creatures that reside in the deep sea are examples of evolution’s creativity and variation! It’s very unfortunate to hear that they are endangered due to human practices. Do you have any organizations in mind to donate to that can help?