A Paradigm Shift

The paradigm shift that I chose is the popularization of vintage goods such as polaroid cameras, vinyl, and clothing. I think this is interesting because the causation seems to be related to nostalgia and the novelty of sentiment. It is common for people to look to the past because they see it as a simpler time. The goods aren’t necessarily better all the time and there are newer, more efficient ways to take pictures and play music. A consequence that I find interesting is that because vintage is trendy, large manufacturers are making their products look like they are vintage. I find this fascinating especially in regards to vintage clothing because originally the point of vintage clothing was either better quality or that nobody else would have it, but now if you walk into stores like American Eagle you will see a whole rack of old band shirts with holes in it to look distressed and old. It is neither better in quality or original now, but people still buy it purely because it looks vintage defeating the purpose of vintage clothing.

Questions that would guide my research are:

  • What caused this shift?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Does buying vintage have a positive, negative, or no effect on consumers?
  • Is this shift likely to evolve or fade away altogether?

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