Reflection 2: Mobile Engagement

Reflecting on how and what I learn, I see that I am in the driver’s seat.  Malcom Knowles’ Theory of Andragogy describes key characteristics of adult learners that the learner is:  self-directed, experienced, eager to learn, oriented to learning and motivated. (Wood, n.d)  For me, these characteristics are evident both in the learning that I choose to do for leisure activities and in the learning that I do for my career. This learning has been both formal, through organized course work, and informal, through job shadowing and other experiential activities. (Bransford, et al 2006 pg 217) This learning has also been explicit as there were clear objectives and skills that I acquired from some activities and implicit as I have learned things through my experiences that I did not set out to learn and sometimes are learned by making mistakes and recovering from the opportunity. ( Bransford, et all 2006 pg 210) In fact, sometimes it seems like the harder I try to learn something, the harder it is to learn.  As Bansford describes, “in some instances, it can be shown that “trying to learn” patterns of covariation through explicit instruction actually impedes learning, underscoring the idea that implicit and explicit forms of learning are different.” (Bransford, et al 2006 pg 211)

For me, this explains how a few things I have tried to learn were best learned after I quit focusing on the procedure and the exact how-to and began experimenting and trying it on my own.   One example is my quest to learn how to waterski.  When I was 16, a friend’s parents had a boat and they took us out.  I listened to everyone’s tips and tricks and failed miserably.  I became embarrassed and gave up. Nearly 20 years later, I finally had the opportunity to try again. After watching a variety of YouTube videos and reading step-by-step tutorials—one of which from the USA Water Ski and Wake Sports that I screenshot and took with me on the boat—I felt comfortable with the theory of how it should work.

It was an inexperienced crew—my fiancée was driving the boat and his daughter was my spotter.  It took us a dozen tries and finally, I was out of the water.  After I was up, skiing was second nature as I had snow skied in the past.  After getting up once, I have never had a problem getting out of the water again.  It took all of those failed attempts (and a few bruises) for my body and my mind to piece it all together.  This example also explains some of why I was motivated to learn how to ski.  For nearly half of my life, I have wanted to be a skier.  As Bransford noted, “when one is learning outside of school, it is as much about who one wants to be as what one demonstrably comes to know.” (Bransford, et al 2006 Pg 218) This also relates to how Gee described identities as I wanted to be the “kind of person” who is capable of waterskiing and that my identity was not related to my core, but rather to my “performances in society.” (Gee pg 99)

My journey to learning how to water ski leveraged the use of mobile technologies.  Early on, I relied of a small network of people and their advice to guide me.  Later, when I was successful, I used a laptop and smart phone to resource videos and tutorials.  The device allowed me to take my resources with me and provided me the ability to learn in the proper context.  As Sharples describes,

Context is a central construct of mobile learning. It is continually created by people in interaction with other people, with their surroundings and with everyday tools. Traditional classroom learning is founded on an illusion of stability of context, by setting up a fixed location with common resources, a single teacher, and an agreed curriculum which allows a semblance of common ground to be maintained from day to day. But if these are removed, a fundamental challenge is how to form islands of temporarily stable context to enable meaning making from the flow of everyday activity.

While my learning was from pieces of media and content that I discovered online, Sharples provides a list of recommendations from Naismith & Corlett, 2006:

  • Create quick and simple interactions;

  • Prepare flexible materials that can be accessed across contexts;

  • Consider special affordances of mobile devices that might add to the learner experience (e.g. the use of audio or user anonymity);

  • Use mobile technology not only to “deliver” learning but to facilitate it, making use of the facilities in current mobile devices for voice communication, note taking, photography and time management.

With all of the positive ways that mobile learning can support our learning journeys, there is potential that it can detract from learning the learning experience.  As Turkle mentions in her Colbert Report interview, “technology creates distance between us.” (Turkle 2011)  And, that results of a study, “suggest that even media meant to facilitate interaction between children are associated with unhealthy social experiences.”  (Pea 2012) It is clear to me that mobile learning is an excellent tool to support learning throughout one’s lifetime; however, it should be balanced with other types of learning experiences to minimize the distance that can be created.


Bransford, J., Stevens, R., Schwartz, D., Meltzoff, A., Pea, R., Roschelle, J., . . . Sabelli, N. (2006). Learning theories and education: Toward a decay of synergy. In P. Alexander & P. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 209–244). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. [Course E-reserves]

Gee, J. P. (2000). Identity as an analytic lens for research in education (http://ezaccess.libraries. . Review of Research in Education, 25(2000- 2001), 99–125.

Pea, R., Nass, C., Meheula, L., Rance, M., Kumar, A., Bamford, H., . . . Zhou, M. (2012). M edia use, face-to-face communication, media multitasking, and social well-being among 8- to 12-year-old girls ( 032?accountid=13158) . Developmental Psychology, 48(2), 327–336.

Sharples, M., Arnedillo-Sánchez, I., Milrad, M., & Vavoula, G. (2009). Mobile learning: Sma ll devices, big issues ( 827-7_14.pdf) . In N. Balacheff, S. Ludvigsen, et al. (Eds.), Technology-enhanced learning: Principles and products (pp. 233–249). Springer.

Turkle, S.  (2011). The Colbert Report Sherry Turkle [Video File].

Wood, D. (n.d.) Andragogy:  Apreciating the Characteristics of the Adult Learner.