I cannot believe this is my last blog post! RCL has been such a journey and I have enjoyed being able to explore this medium of expressing myself with you all. Pictured above is a snapshot of a legendary So Cal sunset that occurred a few days ago, since I know you all loved my last sunset picture in my post about the beauty of nature. In today’s post I will be talking about the beauty of gratitude, love, and positivity when the world may feel drenched in the opposite.
When I first came home for what I thought would be a 3 week “coronacation,” I had no idea the effects this quarantine and national lockdown would have on my friends, family, and myself. I found myself stuck in bed, depressed and unable to see the point of doing anything. With the majority of my friends being from the east coast, this drastic change in my location has been tough to say the least. I have been extraordinarily grateful for my old therapist and psychiatrist for helping me make this transition a lot smoother, and working with me to maintain stability during this stressful time. I am also very grateful for my dad; I have been staying with my mom throughout this whole
quarantine and I have been able to see my dad and my dogs at the park a few days a week. Getting to seem them run around and lay in the grass has been a highlight for me lately, and I am so glad that I get to be home for their birthday in May.
My dad always says “all change is loss,” and I definitely think that that is true. Whenever something leaves or comes into our lives, something else has to move out of the way to make room for it. I have been extending my capabilities of love to my friends on the other side of the country from me by Facetiming as often as I can and sending snapchats all day. In addition, I have been trying to have a relationship with my brother who I have only recently started to get along with. Him and I have watched some movies together during the quarantine, and I kicked his ass in Mortal Kombat yesterday on our new Xbox. We both celebrated our birthdays last week as they are 5 days apart from one another. He is 3 years older than me, and we have not lived in the same house together for a long period of time since I was a freshman in high school. Both of us being home at the same time has allowed my mom to cook homemade meals again, made with love knowing both her children are home safe. I am very fortunate to have a loving home to stay in while the world tries to recover from COVID-19.
In addition, the love that I have seen on the Internet to all of the healthcare workers and other essential workers has been so incredible. For once it feels like people are getting recognition for jobs that often do not get credit for being so important to our livelihood. We as a society take for granted our grocery store clerks, trash men, and medical staff for keeping us healthy and happy and it is refreshing to see the outpouring of love to these folks.
The news has been doing a decent job of highlighting positive stories that happen everyday so that
people do not forget there is more to our society than catastrophe. I have been trying to embrace this newfound positivity and focus it inward. I struggle with a lot of mental health problems and being home has not helped with this one bit. I have made it my goal to come out of this quarantine the same or better than when I went into it. I have been working out everyday, except this last week when I have not felt the best physically. Eating at least 2 meals a day and drinking plenty of water have also been goals of mine. I have enjoyed the sunshine and biking around my neighborhood right before the sun sets every night. I have been trying be nice to myself, reminding myself that it is okay to get some extra sleep, to eat that veggie burrito, and to do the best I can right now on school work.
This class has taught me a lot about our world and how to express my thoughts. I hope you all are doing well and have enjoyed the process alongside me. 🙂