
What type of exercise is best? Why is exercise important? There are so many questions about exercise. Over the years, we have had so many forms of exercise develop, some being more favored than others. To name a few, there is walking, running, strength training, yoga, Pilates, playing basketball, and so many more. Some may say that one is better than the other, while others may say that any type of exercise is good for you. In my opinion, one form of exercise is not better than another, and I will share why in this blog.

The Mayo Clinic states, “As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.”When you think about it, this is only around 200 minutes per week, which is easy to accomplish. With just 200 minutes per week, this can not only help us physically, but also mentally. CNET states, “Exercise is shown to help some people with depression, which experts say could be due to an increase in nerve cell growth in the brain that happens when you exercise.” As a world, we greatly suffer from mental illnesses, especially depression. If every person exercised for 30 minutes per day, it is very possible that the numbers of diagnosed depression would decrease. Not only can exercise benefit us mentally and physically, but some individuals can even make a career out of it, such as bodybuilding or teaching workout classes.

9 Proven Benefits of Physical Activity | Eufic

The moral of the story is that no matter what type of exercise you are doing, it will benefit you both physically and mentally. Everyone has a critique of a certain type of exercise or dislikes a certain exercise. However, once you find what works best for you, and something that you enjoy, exercise can be a great way to relieve stress, meet people, stay active, and more. Whether it is a 30-minute walk or an hour cycling class, they both have so many benefits! It is hard to know what type of exercise is best when you have some people saying, “Running is bad for your joints” and others saying, “Running is good for heart health” or “Strength training makes you bulky.” How are we really supposed to know? The best way to find out is to try!

Personally, I think that any type of exercise is good for you, no matter what gender you are, what your body type is, the shape you’re in, and more. Once you find out what works for you, and what you enjoy, exercise is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It is hard when you hear so many things which to choose. For some, a certain type of exercise may be better than another for them, but this is not something that is overall better, as everyone is different.

All in all, exercise is simply one of the best things for us to do. It helps us mentally, physically, and in so many other ways. One of my favorite things I have been told is, “You will never regret a good workout, but you will always regret one you didn’t do!” Next time you consider exercising, remember all the benefits it has for us and how good you will feel after.

How Many Days a Week Should You Workout? – Cleveland Clinic




5 thoughts on “Exercise

  1. I completely agree with the quote you shared at the end of your blog. I wish I prioritized exercise more throughout the week although the amount of walking I do every day is at least something haha. My favorite way to stay active is playing sports. I’m really into pickleball right now, but my most convenient form of exercise is just running on the treadmill.

  2. The gym has really become my safe space, especially in college. It is a place where I do not have to focus on anything else other than bettering myself. I always tell my friends that it is something I do as self care that is not just watching tv or taking a nap, it is actively helping my body and mind. I love that you advocate for exercise and give actual scientific facts that back up the importance of fitness.

  3. I loved this post! I am someone who loves to exercise, and even when I can’t make it to the gym or a workout class, I do my best to get around 8,000 to 10,000 steps in each day. I grew up dancing for about 6 hours a weeks and since I quit have been experimenting with different types of workouts ever since. In high school I walked on the treadmill and used some light weights, and continued practicing dance and yoga at school. Recently, I have experimented doing weight training at the gym, but recently found that I like going to Penn State’s workout classes more – simply because they are more structured and I know that they will all be a good workout. I think a common misconception with working out that people only do it to grow muscle and/or loose weight, however, it is also just an incredibly healthy habit that can be practiced in so many different ways. Thanks for such a well-written post!

  4. I agree that exercise is one of the best things for us to do. It should be a part of everyone’s daily routine if they can. Like you said, there is no one-size-fits-all for exercise, so routines will differ based on the person. Personally, I do not do weights. I am usually a treadmill and Stairmaster girl. There are only advantages to working out, so why not do it?

  5. I love working out and keeping track of my fitness. It is my favorite form of self care and self improvement. I always tell my friends it is better than just watching a tv show because you actually get to improve yourself.

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