The Finale

Whether it comes to balance, nutrition, exercise, and more, there has been so many topics discussed throughout this blog. As it comes to a close, I want to summarize the most important takeaways from this blog, and why they are so important. Before this blog, I never realized just how important being balanced really is. […]


What type of exercise is best? Why is exercise important? There are so many questions about exercise. Over the years, we have had so many forms of exercise develop, some being more favored than others. To name a few, there is walking, running, strength training, yoga, Pilates, playing basketball, and so many more. Some may […]

Food is the Fuel to Running

     Throughout my life, I have always been someone who lived an active lifestyle. Whether it was youth baseball, soccer, basketball, or volleyball, I have always enjoyed it. Growing up, I remember constantly having neighborhood races, whether it be running our entire neighborhood or just sprinting on the side of someone’s house. Little did […]


Last blog, I briefly discussed the importance of a balanced lifestyle. While a balanced lifestyle can be shown in so many ways, the one I would like to discuss today is nutrition. Nutrition is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the act of process of nourishing or being nourished.” Although this may seem like a simple definition, […]

Starting off: Balance

Hi! Welcome to my blog! In this blog, I plan to talk about a few things that have always mattered to me throughout my life. These consist of Nutrition, Exercise, Running, and most of all, Balance. Balance is defined by Merriam Webster as “mental and emotional steadiness.” While balance can be referred to in many […]