Recap: Fourth Week at PSU!! #WeAre

This week has been crazy, but a good kind of crazy.

Last weekend, I went home for my father’s golf tournament to support the Alzheimer’s Association. I loved seeing my family, my friends, and also my dogs. They missed me SO much, and they were so happy to see me! I missed my dogs sleeping next to me, and my dog Abu slept with me every night. He’s the cutest!

Freddie and I!

Along with missing my family and friends, I missed sleeping in my bed SO MUCH. It was amazing, the sheets were so soft! I also missed my shower so much. I hate communal bathrooms so much, so it was basically a luxury sleeping in my own bed.

After I returned back to State College, I was immediately whisked back into the crazy college lifestyle. I had my investigative report due on Monday, and it was a long essay that was 6 pages. Mr. Smith did not grade it yet, but I can’t wait to see when he does! I wrote about  #BlackLivesMatter and the impact it has on our society today.


I have a profile podcast due next week about a person, place, or thing. I chose the “We Are” chant and how Penn State students all over campus feel connected and united by the chant. I am very passionate about my school, so I can’t wait to meet and interview new students who love Penn State as much as I do.

I received an 87 on my communications exam, which I am super happy about. This week, I didn’t do much because I was studying for my communications exam. Scott, Julia, and I had a late night study session which definitely paid off.

This weekend, I plan on going out and enjoying the last two weekends with my new best friends. I love it here, and I’m so happy that I did summer session. I have made so many new friends and really got a head start on everybody else.

My best friends, Mads and Kenz!

Thanks for reading and following my crazy college adventures!



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