FYS5: College Budget!

College Budget Plans

Let’s just start at this: the broke college student struggle is real.

So far, I haven’t exactly been the wisest with spending my money. Since I’m finally on my own, I’ve been generous with spending money on clothing and Uber rides. There are so many opportunities for a college student to spend money all around State College, its outrageous!

Basically, I started out with $500 on my account and I now have $93.87. Don’t even ask me how I spent that much money in the span of six weeks, because I honestly could not tell you.

I believe it has to do with my shopping addiction, because I often catch myself claiming “I need it” instead of saying “I want it”. Before I came to Penn State, I never would have spent $50 on a skirt. However, after I came to Penn State, I’ll drop $50 on a skirt if it’s perfect for a party.

As a result of this, my dad, Robert Sarsfield, called me Sunday night to discuss my spending habits. He stated that I am spending way too much money on Uber rides, dropping $16 just to get a ride to iHop. I told him I needed the food at iHop because the dining hall food here is… well.. Average. 

After we discussed my Uber habits, he brought up my shopping fees. I spent at least $200 on clothing, which was outrageous! I really did not realize I was spending that much.

My amazing dad and I! I love when he helps me with my budgets.

To cap my spending, my dad and I set up a budget for fall. I needed to limit my spending habits for fall, because football season will empty my bank account. The fall is also much longer, with lots of more opportunities to buy clothing. 

My first semester fall budget will look like this:

Eating out: $250

Clothing: $200

Entertainment: $150

Random: $100

Total: $700

Isn’t that crazy? $700 for a college budget? In the fall, I definitely will be much more cautious with how and where I spend my money. I will no longer claim that “I need it” but rather “I want it, I just know I won’t be dropping $50 on a skirt”.

Thanks for following all of my crazy adventures!



One thought on “FYS5: COLLEGE BUDGET!

  1. What a great dad. PSU has some financial literacy workshops that you may want to take as well. Also, I didn’t see a line item for “savings.” Perhaps $25 a month in a savings would impress your dad at the end of your four years. Best of luck.

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