Helping Others Helps You

One thing I am truly passionate about is being there for others and helping out. As a hospitality major, we focus on great customer service in any avenue we go down. Whether you are working in food service, a hotel manager, or an event planner, you are dealing with people. You need to be able to work with them efficiently in order to be successful in your career.

Though creating a positive impact in the lives of everyone is part of my career, I do not do it based on my level of success. I do it because I enjoy. I read an article on the Action For Happiness website that really spoke to me. It talks about the benefits of helping others and why people should do it. I am an advocate for treating others with respect and kindness, so this is a post I am happy to promote.

In the article, it states how helping people is not only a good thing to do. It also makes you personally healthier and happier. Helping people improves your connection with the community and makes it stronger. Building a happier society is also a factor. Looking out for each other will result in making our communities and society flourish.

The article talks about how research shows that helping people could actually benefit us more than those who receive help. This is due to strengthening connections between two people and the networking it can create. It also increases your chances of getting help in return then when you are in need. “Altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain that boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help.”

Overall, helping people out creates a valuable bond and a sense of trust. By being kind, being aware of those around you, and their feelings. Taking that into consideration as well as going out of your way to help others proves the type of person you are. I always want to come across as that person and this article made me feel great about being that way.
