I intend to analyze how the public opinion towards safety measures in cars has shifted over time. Initially I wanted to focus just on airbags, but after reading sample paradigm shift essays and looking at the rubric I feel like that topic will be too hard to focus on and develop. Through just doing some cursory research I found a plethora of resources about shifting perceptions to seatbelts and airbags.
In my introduction I plan to talk about how automobiles are a central facet of American culture and society and relate changing opinions about automobile safety to shifting public opinions.
The first part of the essay will be dedicated to analyzing the adoption of the seatbelt and public resistance to it. Then, I will cover the role legislation played in this shift as well as initial public resistance to the concept.
The second part will focus on the development and adoption of airbags as standard equipment. Many people don’t know that airbags were actually developed in the 70s but major automakers feared that by installing them in cars they would cause consumers to think their cars were unsafe. I will talk about how airbags shifted in meaning from being indicative of unsafe construction to being synonymous with safety. I will also compare and contrast the effects of legislation on the adoption of the airbag.
In the conclusion I will neatly tie up my essay and reinforce the importance of both of these shifts.
I think your paradigm shift essay will be really interesting to read! It’s definitely a good idea to talk about seatbelts and airbags because they are very relevant in our daily life. It’s worth talking about the automobile safety and the changing public opinion about it. You can also write about how the use of seatbelts and airbags change people’s lives positively or the importance of seatbelts and airbags. I am looking forward to seeing your essay!
Car safety is a big thing that isn’t really talked about. Your topic is really good because it talks about the evolution of seatbelts and the overall consensus on that. This isn’t a huge time difference, but when I was younger, I remember a lot of people not wearing seatbelts. I don’t know if they were just lazy or just rebels, but there were a good amount of people who were reluctant to wear seatbelts. Nowadays, I see people always wearing seatbelts or at least encouraging the use of them more often. Your topic is important to how far car technology regarding safety as been integrated into our lives. I also like how you have a part to dedicate to seatbelts and a part for airbags. Both are important when it comes to the evolution of cars.
Hi! I think your essay is really well throughout and is concise. The topic you chose is super interesting since we all need cars in our life. It is very important to see how far we have come and the evolution and advices we have made to get to the point where we are now. When I was young a lot of my friends actually never really wanted to wear seat beats because it wasn’t “cool”. Now, it doesn’t matter if it is not cool, it is for you safety so people just wear it. You can write about how many lives it has saved and the consequences of not wearing one! Good Job!