One of the underlying themes throughout Its What I Do is the author’s fear of neglecting experiences that she thought were important. Mostly, the book focuses on her fear of missing out on furthering her photographic journalism career. This is evident in her reaction when she was in South America during September 11th, instead of being in Afghanistan. She had the same reaction when she was on the mission on the mountain. She missed out on what, she thought, was the perfect photo opportunity because she went with the overwatch team to the top of the mountain instead of the Second Platoon where she could have been photographing the front line.

She also worried about missing out on family and love. This is shown in the fact that she raced back to South America when Uxval showed unhappiness in their relationship. She also funded him in Istanbul, paying the rent and for groceries while she was away, even though she knew he was cheating on her during these times away. She sacrificed her work and her own morals through this relationship in order to keep Uxval happy because of her ultimate fear of neglecting love.

This shows how her passions rule her life. Her passion for photography made her want to be the best and create art with her pictures. But she also had a passion for love, exemplified in her commitment to her relationship with Uxval.

A story that will be incorporated in my passion blog is the reason behind my two-week trip to Europe. The planning for this specific trip started in kindergarten. My Girl Scout leader, who is also my mom, promised a group 19 Daisy’s that if we stayed in Girl Scouts until our senior in high school she would take us to Europe as a reward for our commitment and the summer before Senior year she followed through with this promise.

One thought on “An Underlying Theme

  1. I really liked your analysis on Addario’s passion for photography and how it related to her love life. I thought it was very accurate and well explained. I also am interested in this girl scout story you mentioned. I would have liked to have heard more about it and how it relates to your passion.

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