Mood Boards

Mood boards are visual representations of basically anything. It can consist of words and images. This “collage” style board can be used to contain ideas on room decor, clothing, goals, events, etc.

Although they require some time and intention, there are many positives of mood boards. They clarify the vision; one uses various things to create a cohesive vision to communicate their intention. They are fluid, meaning you can add to them, use different mediums, and collaborate between various pieces. They encourage collaboration; mood boards can be especially helpful when there are multiple people working on a project. People who are more inclined towards using visuals to learn and communicate can find mood boards to be a great way to create a shared vision and execute a joint project.

My most-often form of mood boards is Pinterest. If you do not know what Pinterest is, it is basically a collection of pictures. I spend an embarrassing amount of time on Pinterest; however, I always feel like it is beneficial. It helps me think of ideas on what to wear or how to decorate my room. It is also filled with inspiring quotes, pieces of art, things to buy, basically anything. So, Pinterest and Pinterest boards are basically digital mood boards. This is what my Pinterest home page looks like:

In all, Pinterest boards help me visualize my goals or desires. It helps me focus my actions. For example, if I am going to get my nails done, I can consult my Pinterest board and see what nail design I have been adding the most. Or, when I am going shopping, I can reference my board to review what type of clothing items I want to buy. Also, when I want to start a new art project, I can go to my art board and decide what project I want to take on, whether that is making an oil painting, sculpture, or collage.

Pinterest boards and mood boards in general can have deeper meanings than just deciding what I should wear for one day. I have created boards with my goals for a time period and sayings I want to actualize in the future. Here are a few pins I have saved in my 2023 board:

They focus on fitness, reading, and positive affirmations.

There is a LARGE Pinterest community. You can find basically anything you want on the app (or at least I can). However, there are multiple platforms you can use to create digital mood boards, including Design Systems, Dribbble, Behance,, Moodshare, and PatternTap.

Although digital mood boards are convenient, I also appreciate and value physical mood boards. There is something intentional and special about the act of collecting images, printing out pictures, and physically displaying them in front of you, on a board or on a wall.

Here are some examples of mood boards:


My younger sister and I thoroughly enjoyed making our own mood boards. It is a great way to positively spend time with other people, and it is relatively easy to make.

Overall, I find mood boards to be a great way to visualize my intentions. I can create something concrete, unique, and creative to guide my actions.

Coffee Craze

Taken at Webster’s

If you listened to my “This I Believe” podcast, you would know that I believe in Coffee Houses. I have an unhealthy obsession and possible addiction to coffee houses and coffee.

Waiting for My Latte

At this point, my brain is wired to believe that if I do not get coffee, I do not have a good day.

Coffee is such a simple pleasure that makes my day and makes sure I step off on the right foot.

First, I love the taste of coffee. It can be a rich black coffee with strong flavor or a sweet caramel latte overflowing with milk and syrup. Other times it can be the added oat milk that creates another layer to the taste of coffee. Regardless of what coffee or occasional dirty chai latte I get, I always enjoy the unique taste.

Shopping with my coffee

Second, it energizes me. I can recall a few times when I was literally shaking from caffeine intake and crashing from caffeine overload. However, these are extreme examples. Most of the time, coffee gives me just enough energy to engage with others, feel like my personality is not completely boring, and be a little more up-beat. Other times, I do not even feel the effects of a coffee with four espresso shots. Regardless, I still enjoy the coffee, and this leads me to my third point.


Third, coffee brainwashes me. It is like a ritual. Maybe I am exactly the same before and after coffee. Maybe my personality is exactly the same. Maybe my energy levels are exactly the same. Regardless, there is power in the act of getting and drinking coffee. At least there is to me.

I enjoy almost nothing more than going to grab a coffee. (Yes, this is an exaggeration, but I really do enjoy going to a coffee shop and getting a coffee.) It is so simple yet so pleasant.

Coffee date with my little sister


I can go with my friends or by myself. I can go to Starbucks or a random Coffee House. I can get an oat milk latte, black coffee, or dirty iced chai latte. It can be as long or short of an ordeal as I want it to be. I can just be grabbing an iced coffee before going out for a day of shopping. Or it can be a three-hour long “gossip” session with my friends, catching up on everything and recapping our night.



My Go-To Drinks:

  • Iced Black Coffee: This is when I want to feed my desire to taste coffee. When I am sick of sweet coffee. When I want something plain, simple, and classic. When I want to feed my more mature taste buds.
  • Iced (Flavored) Latte: This is a classic. Most coffee shops can make a good latte (depending on their milk to espresso ratio). If I want a little extra, I will add a flavor (usually caramel, vanilla, or hazelnut)

    Expressing my love for dirty iced chai lattes
  • Dirty Iced Chai Latte: I honestly got into these drinks because I didn’t think an iced chai latte was strong enough. It’s a good drink when I want something that tastes a little different from a standard latte.
  • Oat milk Shaken Espresso: “Packs a punch” (supposedly). Some of these have four shots of espresso so be cautious, but I love the taste of oat milk in my coffees because of this drink. Again, it just adds an extra layer of flavor.


I’m not sure if I successfully conveyed my love for coffee and coffee-houses, but I really do love them. If you need a push to try a new drink or coffee shop out, you really should. It could end up being your new favorite drink or go-to coffee shop.

Music to My Ears

From SZA to Turnstile to Kendrick Lamar, I listen to it all. I basically listen to everything except country music. Yes, I have tried listening to country music, but I never really enjoyed it. So, let’s look at the music I actually listen to.

Let’s dive in further.

As you can see from the images from my 2022 Spotify Wrapped, I frequently listen to Tyler the Creator, Steve Lacy, Kendrick Lamar, and Frank Ocean. Some other notable artists that I listen to include SZA, Mac Miller, and Kid Cudi. I also enjoy my occasional listen to Mitski, Lana Del Rey, MF DOOM, Tame Impala, Turnstile, and the Pixies.

Album Wall in My Room at Home

Each artist has something unique to offer like groovy beats, strong lines, or catchy melodies. I tend to obsess over one artist or a few songs at a time and compile an extensive playlist. The result of this habit is artists and songs that I heavily associate with only one time in my life. It is easy to get tired of a song and create a playlist that is full of skippable tracks. It is also easy to get carried away with adding very niche or mediocre songs to a playlist, creating a playlist that doesn’t completely reflect who I am and what I enjoy listening to.

I never claimed and will never claim that I was or am a master at creating playlists, but if you would like to give some of my playlists a listen here are some random, scattered playlists that you can check out:

Playlist I used during my Senior Year of High School

More of an Indie/Rock playlist

Playlist I made during Summer ’23 and am currently using

I enjoy listening to music while doing my laundry, walking, getting ready in the morning, while doing homework, and more. I also enjoy talking to people about music, bonding over music, learning to appreciate new artists, and getting music recommendations. So, if you have any song recommendations, please leave them in the comments.

Anyways, what I have recently gotten into is records. This past Christmas, I asked for a record player, and I got one. I didn’t invest a lot of money into since I just wanted to try it out. I understand that I could listen to the same music through Spotify and any of my technological devices, but I think using a record player allows me to appreciate the music more. I have to go through the minimal effort of placing the record on the table and setting down the pick. This process in addition to listening to the whole album in order allows me to appreciate each song.

I also get to wonder about how a table spinning a piece of vinyl is able to produce such elaborate and pleasing sounds. (Yes, I have had it explained to me a number of times, but I still don’t understand it.)

The records I have purchased also come with posters covered in the album’s song tracks and art (which is obviously a plus).

Thrift Finds

I absolutely love thrifting.

I started thrifting in 8th grade. My mom would drop me and my best friend off at a thrift store and we would leave with a garbage bag full of interesting, inexpensive clothes. Then, when we got back to one of our houses, we would put together outfits using our new thrift finds.

Framed Photograph at an Antique Marketplace

I have thrifted a lot of interesting things. Bowls, artwork, books, records, bags, and clothing.

I definitely was not a great thrifter at first.

I would buy things that I really would never wear. I would get distracted by the rush of purchasing items. It was sort-of a wasteful purchasing. And I feel like that takes away from part of the purpose of thrifting.

Thrifting is supposed to be a method of sustainable shopping. It repurposes items, extends their lifetimes, and gives them a new home. Goodwill Bins is the last place these donated clothes go to before being sent to a landfill. Therefore, I try to thrift items, purchasing them second-hand, before buying newly made items online or at the mall.

Therefore, while I am thrifting, I keep some things in mind: Will I put this item to good use, or will it stay hidden in my closet? Do I need this item, or do I already have something similar? Will someone else get more use out of this item than me?

These questions keep me from buying items excessively, leaving many things for others to take.

Thrifting in this way reminds me to shop mindfully but also allows me to explore new styles and items. This subsides my need for retail therapy but also feeds into my more curious and creative side that wishes to experiment with fashion.

My perfect Wednesday

My perfect Wednesday (back at home) consists of grabbing a morning coffee from Starbucks and heading to the nearest thrift stores. I usually go in with a game plan: what sections I want to look at, some types of clothing that I am looking for, and if I am trying to find something unique that I do not usually look for (i.e., random items like books, records, dishes, paintings, etc.)

I enjoy going thrifting by myself. It allows me to focus on the clothing and take as much time as I want, however little or long. Going with friends is nice but complicated. Sometimes my friends get bored earlier than I do or the other way around. It can also lead to conflicts if we have similar interests/styles and find a piece worth fighting over. (In reality, fighting does not happen, but there are feelings of jealousy).

Now, my closet is filled with clothes from the thrift store. Occasionally, I do buy new items online or in the mall, but I try to keep it minimal. I feel proud to tell someone my entire outfit is thrifted. The pieces are unique, full of personality, and inexpensive, so of course I fell in love with thrifting.

These Wednesday afternoons are rejuvenating, relaxing, and exciting.


(Please let me know if you know of any good thrift shops nearby)

Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

36 Famous Quotes on Mindfulness Meditation For Yoga, Sleeping, and Healing

Journaling and Mindfulness

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life was when my ex-best friend stole my journal and read an entry aloud to my friend group. Some of the most personal details of my life and thoughts that I’ve never spoken were being shared with others against my will. Despite how intrusive this incident was, it didn’t stop me from continuing to journal.

Journaling is “the practice of taking time for yourself to write and reflect on your thoughts, feelings and life experiences.” It’s an activity that only takes pen and paper and some time out of my day.


I started journaling at a young age. At the time, I didn’t even realize what I was doing. I was just writing my underdeveloped thoughts about my simple school days and meaningless drama in random notebooks. Regardless, stumbling upon these old journals from elementary and middle school is heart-warming because I can see how much I have grown. Although these thoughts were rather underdeveloped, they were raw and genuine.

In a journal, I write without the fear of being judged. The things I write in my journal are for myself and myself only, unless I choose to share them. Sometimes I use my journal to rant about drama, minor inconveniences, challenges, etc. Other times, I use my journal to reflect on my growth, perseverance, and accomplishments.

I try to journal at least once a week. I start off with no prompt, writing whatever comes to mind. However, as I get further into writing, I give myself more direction. I use prompts such as the following: listing things I am grateful for, jotting down quotes or song lyrics that resonate with me and why, or remembering small acts of kindness that changed my day.

I have found that journaling has many benefits. It has helped me process my thoughts and given me a space to write down negative thoughts. Overall, it has helped me reduce my stress.

Through journaling, I have also been able to practice mindfulness, an exercise that was introduced to me in Junior year of high school.

12 Mindfulness Exercises To Start Using Daily

Mindfulness is “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

Mrs. Dominick was my junior-year English teacher. She introduced Mindfulness Mondays to me. On these days we would meditate, do “body scans,” do a five-sense exercise, think about what we are grateful for, and list our favorite things that we often overlook. Through these days, I learned mindfulness exercises and the benefits of mindfulness. After these exercises, I felt rejuvenated and more connected to myself and the things around me.

Therefore, I thought it would be beneficial to incorporate mindfulness into my journaling. Journaling helped me to focus during mindfulness exercises because I often found my mind wandering without it. One of the most frequent mindfulness exercises I use is gratitude journaling. The prompt of gratitude journaling is usually something along the lines of this: “There are many things in our lives, both large and small, that we might be grateful about. Think back over the past week and write down … up to five things in your life that you are grateful or thankful for.” It is a simple exercise that grounds me after realizing that there are many things in my life that I should be thankful for.

Overall, mindfulness and journaling has improved my headspace and given me perspective. It also gives me an excuse to buy cute stationery.

Astrology and Crystals

“Beware of the Astrology Girls”

A common sentiment shared by guys, including some of my male friends, cautioning each other to stay away from girls who preach about astrology.

Urban Dictionary defines an astrology girl as “a person … who takes astrology, tarot, and other modern-day forms of eclectic mysticism extremely seriously, often rejecting some forms of science. They believe the ideologies in which they partake to be fact.”

But, what’s so bad about astrology?

Of course, there are always extremists and exceptions, but I largely think that astrology is harmless. It connects people. It’s interesting. And it’s something cool to look into. I have the same opinion on crystals and angel numbers as well. Just don’t be dependent on these things. Don’t let it dictate your life, mood, or decisions.

Zodiac Circle Illustration 427259 Vector Art at Vecteezy
Art by Macrovector


January Zodiac Sign: Understanding the Capricorn and the Aquarius
Womens Business Daily

Astrology is the study of celestial objects (planets and stars) to predict future events and an individual’s characteristics. These constellations are used to predict someone’s personality, relationships, success, and even more.

But the concept of looking at the sky for answers isn’t new. Tracking the cycles and changes in the sky helped older civilizations make decisions about their lives. The moon influences tides and changes in celestial objects marked the changes of seasons. These observations influenced activities and architecture.

But how does it influence my life today?

Well, I was born on the day after Christmas, Dec. 26. So, my zodiac sign is Capricorn. I am guilty of looking up the characteristics of a Capricorn and find myself agreeing with many conclusions. Some traits include being wise, practical, ambitious, stubborn, and disciplined. Of course, these characteristics and future predictions are relatively broad, increasing the chance of accuracy and relation.

Regardless of the degree of influence my astrological sign holds over me and my future, I find it fun to read about what traits I share with other Capricorns and how compatible I am with other astrological signs.

(It’s embarrassing how often I’ve read the “Sun Sign Compatibility” page on Snapchat to see if it was accurate.)

You can find out your zodiac sign and its characteristics here:


Crystal Meanings Guide | Spiritual crystals, Crystal healing chart ...

There is a similar negative sentiment surrounding crystals and those who take interest in them.

Urban Dictionary describes a crystal girl as “a girl who carries around crystals everywhere she goes, she usually wears dramatic eyeliner and has dyed hair. Most crystal girls are also very spiritual and often try to make their nonspiritual friends buy crystals.”

Yes, I own several crystals. Do I believe they have magical powers? No. Do I intentionally choose what crystal to wear based on its meaning? Yes, yes, I do.

I sort-of think of crystals like a good luck charm. Like there is a higher possibility of a certain desired effect if I am wearing a crystal that manifests that. It could very well be just the placebo effect though. Ex: I just act more confident if I am wearing a crystal that’s supposed to manifest confidence.

Anyways, I think it is interesting to learn about the meanings behind crystals. Some of the crystals I have include carnelian, amethyst, and rose quartz. Carnelian is supposed to boost confidence and promote self-expression. Amethyst is supposed to calm and relax. Rose quartz is supposed to evoke unconditional love.

You can learn about more crystals and their meanings on the following site: