One last blog post on the Staley family. Because this is the last window into our lives, I will let you in on one of our secrets to success: family exercise.
Just a little background – Everyone in this family, from my little brother to my aunts, lives for physical activity. Sports are a yes from every member, particularly my dad, who engrained it into our minds as well. My cousins and I grew up playing outside in the grass, and how did we entertain ourselves? All kinds of games, most that test our athletic ability or strength, all suggested by Dad. Kickball? Wrestling? Four square? Yes. Cops and robbers? Sword fighting? Any variation on tag? You bet.
As soon as we were old enough, we were playing sports. Over the years, even just me, Emily, and Jack have participated in a wide variety of sports, but my dad has always been a big fan of one particular exercise. Running. I ran track for a couple weeks at the end of the season one year, but that is it. I must not have gotten that gene.
To give you some insight on this, for my dad’s fiftieth birthday, we asked him what he wanted for a gift. Sure enough, he responded, “I want to go on a run as a family.” Yeah, it doesn’t seem like he was asking for that much at the time, so we agreed. Because my father is a big proponent of early rising, we woke up in the ungodly morning hours on his birthday and proceeded to run, over hill and dale, FOUR miles. Ouch. He couldn’t have just asked for breakfast in bed and a car wash.
Elaborating on my father’s desire to exercise as a family, about a year ago, we were looking for a fun family activity and stubbled upon an indoor climbing facility in Pittsburgh. We were not the best at it, but quickly fell in love. We spend a lot of time bouldering, which is simple climbing without ropes and harnesses. The climbing establishments are built with many walls of medium height, covered in plastic holds of differing difficulties. Mats surround the walls incase of a slip, which is not uncommon.
My family is obsessed with rock climbing, oh yes, obsessed. It fits into our list of criteria for fun, which is as follows:
- Can it be a competition?
End of List.
And of course, it can be a competition. So we LOVE it. Physical challenge? Did someone call the Staleys?
This type of family exercise is my personal favorite. It is exercise; however, it feels nothing like limping four miles or doing lunges after dinner until everyone is exhausted. We forget we are exercising because, we are swept away by the competition and challenge factor. Nonetheless, you do feel it in your arms for thenext couple of days. After our first trip climbing, we found another closer facility that we prefer. It is called ASCEND. The building is located on the south side of Pittsburgh and functions as a fitness center, going beyond only climbing to activities such as yoga and cycling. When we are all home together, the family often takes a group trip to Ascend. Mom, Dad, Emily, Ellie, Jack, me, and Matt all hop in the car, travel the distance, and climb until our arms can’t hold us anymore.
And with that the Staley blogs come to an end, but the content will continue to grow, undocumented. Thanks for bearing with my family through post after post after post. Keep in mind, I have to deal with this stuff every day for the rest of my life. Wish me luck, I’m sure gonna need it.