About Me

As a student in a Ph.D. program in the Department of Statistics at the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), my research focuses on statistical data privacy, specifically formal privacy, such as differential privacy. I am advised by Dr. Aleksandra (Seša) Slavković and am a part of Penn State’s Statistical Data Privacy group . Additionally, I am pursuing a dual Ph.D. in statistics and social data analytics through Penn State’s Center for Social Data Analytics (C-SoDA). This program has allowed me to collaborate with students and faculty across other fields of study, such as Computer Science, Political Science, and Business. Some of my presentations and past works are listed under my maiden name, Kaitlyn Dowden.

 I am a student leader in Penn State’s Women+ in Statistics and Data Science, which is an organization to promote women and gender-diverse individuals in fields that use statistics and data science through mentorship groups, communication of opportunities, and holding on-campus events. In the 2022-2023 academic year, I served as the President of the Statistics Graduate Student Association (SGSA), which organizes workshops for statistics graduate students and assists in organizing and running other statistics department events. For example, SGSA led and assisted in organizing a Department of Statistics Research Day for all statistic faculty to give short research presentations to encourage collaboration and community in the department. 

I got my Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University with a double major in Statistics and Pure Mathematics and a minor in Economics. I was heavily involved in Purdue’s Office of Study Abroad organizing cross-cultural events for incoming study abroad students and promoting study-abroad opportunities to the general student body.

I grew up surround by corn fields in Indiana. My hobbies include traveling, creative writing, and board games. I have a dog who I love very dearly and spoil her a little to much.