In order to properly justify a paradigm shift, there must be an observable change in all aspects of civic engagement. Starting with structures of attention, the introduction of social media and the iPhone has undoubtedly succeeded in pulling the youth’s focus- regarding interactions ranging from social interactions to political commentary-call into their devices screen. The undeniable dependence on the news delivering functions, now seamlessly integrated into every smart device, has made it nearly impossible to stay up to date on all facets of news and daily social interactions without burying your head in your phone. The underlying significance of having the phone become the core structure to which the world puts their attention on is that Society has begun to integrate more daily tasks into the digital sphere ( shopping, working out, getting food, etc) further enhancing the pull of attention that the internet as a whole has on the world.
Moving on to everyday life, the previously mentioned movement into the digital sphere by companies in order to gain a larger share of the public’s attention have resulted in a generation where The Internet functions as a necessity to life. Banking, applying for jobs checking your grades looking into upper education opportunities are all tasks that have become totally digitized. Now these things might not directly draw people towards into the clutches of social media, but the fact that they’re integrated so seamlessly onto the same platform which social media creates the sense that there is no escaping the race towards total smartphone dependency. Finally, the functions of government and the civic infrastructures that the globe runs on are slowly but surely truing to the internet. Apply to vote, setting appointments at the DMV, applying for visas and getting involved in political campaigns are all becoming dependent on internet access- specifically the same devices that social networking are dependent upon. Considering the current administration, twitter has become a necessity for any citizen that wants to stay up to date on the presidents daily actions.
In most things, the government is the slowest to adopt new systems of operation- so the growing dependency on the social media interface from the leaders of the world are a sure sign that the shift into the digital age is here to stay. Considering all of these things, the structures of the public’s attention, the convenient flow of everyday tasks and the civic infrastructures that run the country are all migrating towards dependence on some form of social media, it is indisputable that a paradigm shift has occurred.