On March 20, 2020 a Chinese government official made a public statement addressing how the US had not fulfilled its promise to provide $100.00 million worth of aid to foreign nations including China. The implication of this statement was that the US’s position as a world leader in some way creates an obligation to help the rest of the world in a humanitarian effort. The issue is whether China deserves any humanitarian aid under the current regime?
In a previous passion blog I addressed in depth how China has recently committed numerous aggressive displays towards neighboring Twain, and lied about the COVID-19 outbreak which has led to the extent of the crisis. But on top of all this China is currently interning over 1 million of its Muslim citizens primarily located in the Xijing province. A brief history of this humanitarian crisis: In early 2019 the Chinese government denied allegations of internment camps. As evidence gathered by academics and investigative journalists mounted, the Chinese government changed their story admitting that they had opened “reeducation centers” specifically for what they deem to be an extremist sect of the population consisting entirely of Uighur Muslims. Now there are numerous reasons why the Communist Party of China is motivated to do this from a growing energy dependence from the resources located in the Xijing region, the history of the people in Xijing trying to separate from the country and an increasing need to access the space as China expands its belt and road initiative but none of these things matter.
In reports from released Muslims the situation is described in horrifying terms. Prisoners are required to repeat Chinese communist slogans, denounce their religion and the religion of their family and friends and are forced to live in crowded unsanitary halls. More extreme reports include guard brutality and the murder of many of the less fortunate inmates.
The civic issue here is obvious, the humanitarian crisis and the Chinese government’s attempt to cover it up in the beginning is comparable to the Nazi regime. This raises the question, despite economic motivation for the US and other countries to collaborate with China, and the increasing need of many innocent Chinese citizens for medical in addition to increasing need in the population of Chinese citizens for medical supplies do you need a need of many Chinese citizens from -5 working on cooperation it has been Hope has been supplies does the country’s actions warrant any form of economic cooperation or assistance?
Although the US China trade war was intended to spur US economic growth, the recent pandemic has all but wiped down any potential upside the deal could cause. With this long list of recent transgressions should any major nation collaborate with China or should the entire world turn and pressure the country economically to change? Now of course these issues are much more complex than I have been able to provide background for, but the provoking question is still valid – is there a level of usurpation that a country like China can commit to warrant the rest of the world to react aggressively despite calls for humanitarian assistance? My opinion is yes, the country needs to be pressured to maintain form and if not their aggressive posture will continue to deteriorate.