Introduction to Rhetorical Analysis Essay

        Abraham Lincoln once demanded, “If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee” (“Barista”).  Whatever Lincoln demanded, he received, and this dynamic between supply and demand plays out in the American economy as well; hence, if Americans demand, somebody must supply.  […]

The Multi-Generational Cereal

What is the go-to dry cereal snack for babies?  Cheerios. Oh, how babies love their Cheerios. What is a consistent breakfast for adults?  Cheerios. Oh, how adults love their Cheerios. Last week, I analyzed how some cereals fade out with age and are replaced with adult-marketed cereals.  However, Cheerios seem to be an exception. Cheerios […]

America Runs on Dunkin’

In 2006, Dunkin’ Donuts, presently known as Dunkin’, launched a new campaign: “American Runs on Dunkin’.”  This slogan and diagram portrayed Dunkin’ Donuts as a nationwide movement that supports the American people as they pursue their busy and tiring lives to keep up with American culture and pursue their desires.  This launch came at a […]

The Era of Efficiency & Effectiveness of Savings

As I made my way through the mid-morning rush of the HUB traffic, a Panera representative called out to promote the four new Panera locations at University Park.  For the Panera lovers of Penn State, these new locations will be a “game-changer” in regards to on-campus dining. On the promotional flyer that I received from […]